thank fob for tornadoes

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is that spelled right um

okay so it's weird but I live outside of a town called grinnell (stalk me bitches I dare you) but go to school the next town over, which is grainfield. basically, both towns have grade schools and when the kids reach 5th grade they all go to grinnell for middle school. then we all go to grainfield for high school, but our high school's name is actually Wheatland High not Grainfield. this is somewhat but not really relevant to the situation but the more you know amirite

irrelevant but remember that one time I said Ryan tackled me over the couch and I thought I broke my finger? turns out it wasn't broke but I had a huge gash of skin taken out and scab over and the scab needs to come off now but ughhh the agony


so in the past hour there have been three tornado warnings for my county and long story short a tornado hit grainfield so like fuck yes maybe no school tomorrow

and another one is on its way 😁😁

that makes me seem like such a bitch wow lmao like not meaning to be rude I totally hope everyone's okay but come on. no school.

so this morning I woke up with a nickelback cd next to me so the first thing I said this morning was 'oh how interesting'

I have hw that needs to be done but idk man if I don't have school tomorrow I don't wanna do it now but what if I do but I need motivation and fuck

I don't need fucked I am a small bean no

I feel like rambling so you guys are just gonna read the random things that come to my mind now. how interesting.

omg so it's hailing rn and it legit looks like the ground is covered in snow it's amazing and I kinda wanna go outside but mom showed me that's a bad idea bc last time she did that she got smacked in the head with a ping pong ball size of hail

of course now that I want to write shit down my mind stops being the usual chaotic shit it is

I have a funeral to go to Wednesday so that's always fun bc no school yay

I'm actually struggling to think of things to write lmao so imma post a thing now

QOTD: what playlist(s)/album(s) do you listen to to study?

AOTD: I'm actually in love with Kings of Leon's Only by the Night like it's amazing bc not too loud but still amazing quality music 10/10 recommend

✌🏻️ peace out bitches ✌🏻️

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