chapter 2

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(Sorry for such a short chapter I have writer's block! Oh no!)

*Adriens pov*

"Hey adrien!"
"Oh hey nino."
"Why the long face bro? Did you ask someone out and they said no?"
"That's not it just so many photo shoots"
"K bro, we might want to start heading to class if we don't want to be late"
I trudged slowly up the stairs to our school, and I don't no how but I bumped into Marinette. "Uhh... H-hi A-Adrien!" She's so cute, she kinda of reminds me of ladybug, but there is no way that they are the same person right?
( adrien, Adrien it's so obvious that they are the same person! I mean they have the same hair color, eye color, hairstyle, height, and voice! OK enough with my yammering)

"Oh hey marinette, I didn't mean to bump into you I just wasn't looking at where i-i w-was going"
*Marinette's pov* (because I can)
Did he just stutter? Adrien never stutters, and I mean never! This is so not like him.
"S-same here!"
"Marinette, we've got to go to class!"
"C-coming Alya! S-see you later Adrien!"
"B-bye mari!"
*Alya's pov* (first Alya pov whoop,whoop)

"What was that back there?"
"What was what?"
"Adrien stuttering, and you talking almost normal!"
"Oh, that. I have no idea what happened to him!"
We walked into class and marinette almost bumped into adrien agian.
"Oh, I'm so sorry Adrien!"
"I-its ok m-marinette. And I wanted to say that....
"That what?"

Cliffhanger, I'm so evil! Muhaha! Sorry for such a short chapter! I have writer's block!
Cya - yu na

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