Chapter Fourteen: Kidnapped!

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However, before anyone could attack anyone, Rei suddenly quivered, before collapsing in the rubble. Nakami started towards her, but Toshiro stopped him. "Nakami! Do not act like a fool! Keep your guard up!"

"But Captain!"

"This is an order!"

Before they could do anything, a new voice suddenly spoke. "Well well, what do we have here? I see you've met my new creation."

"Who are you?" The Head Captain boomed, gazing up at the newcomer.

The newcomer stood in the air several feet above Rei's collapsed form, smirking. He had sickly grayish white skin, stringy dark hair, and slitted eyes that were a poisonous green color. His black robes were tattered at the edges, and he carried a large scythe that looked as though it was made from human bones, though its blade was shining obsidian black, smooth, and wickedly sharp. Black chains clanked from his wrists and ankles.

"Who am I, you ask?" The newcomer said.

"Why have you come? Where are you from? What are you?"

"Whoa whoa whoa, old geezer. Cool it with the questions, already! The name is Dokuaku, I'm a Sinner from Hell, thus the chains, and I've come for Rei Asaka."

"You mentioned something about her being one of your experiments." Byakuya stepped forward, his eyes hard. "What exactly have you done to my squad officer?"

"Oh, so she was in your squad? I'm so sorry, but I'm afraid I'm borrowing her for a bit."

"Borrowing her for what?"

Dokuaku sneered. "Nothing much. You'll find out for yourself in a few seconds. Watch carefully, Soul Reapers."

Right on cue, Rei began gagging and retching. The Soul Reapers watched in horror as her eyes flew open, rolled back in their sockets, and a thick white fluid began pouring from her mouth.

"Is that-----?"

"That's not------"


Nakami turned to his captain. "Captain Hitsugaya, what's going on?"

Captain Shinji Hirako of Squad Five answered his question. "This is Hollowification. But to think that it's happening yet again-----" His eyes bulged, and he seemed to be struggling with himself. Nakami could tell he was remembering what had happened to him and the other Visoreds a hundred years ago, at the hands of Sosuke Aizen. But Aizen was locked up, and he most certaintly would never Hollowfy his own daughter. So how did Dokuaku do it without the Hogyoku?

Dokuaku chuckled in amusement. "Oh, so you know what a Hollowfication is. However, this is much, much, more than that."

"You bastard!" Nakami growled, releasing his zanpakuto. "What have you done to Miss Asaka?"

The Sinner chuckled again. "My, my, calm down, dear boy. Allow me to explain. A Hollowfication is when you remove the barriers between Soul Reaper and Hollow. However, my experiment here is an example of when you actually fuse a Soul Reaper and a Hollow together, creating the ultimate fighting machine. And in Rei Asaka's case, she'll become the ultimate destructive force, surpassing anything any of you have ever seen, even the Espada."

"What?" Ukitake said in disbelief. "Stronger than the Espada?"

"Of course. The Espada would look like nothing more than little children with wooden swords compared to her."

Unohana stepped forward. "Then I would presume Rei Asaka was your target all along, meaning that you're the one responsible for the infiltration of the Central. And if I may guess, you were also the one who ordered Rei's arrest."

Bow, Arrow, and Sword (Bleach Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن