Chapter Two

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Red Hot Chili Peppers- Dark Necessities 


It's like she's purposely trying to take over my life. Like a cancer virus spreading through my life with no way to fight it. In school, everybody wants to talk to me so that I can tell them everything I know about her. People who didn't even know my name yesterday, think they can come up to me and act like my new best friends. Yet she brushes everyone away like she's too good to be friends with anyone here. When she's not tapping away at her phone she's looking around like something is going to jump out of the bushes and attack her.

"Who is that Amy?" I looked over at my friend Carla who's leaning against the locker next to me.

"My cousin Marty. Don't talk to her she's weird," I answered and shut my locker.

"Why is she here?" she asked shrugging.

"My aunt and uncle died a few days ago and she lives with us now. Well at least until graduation and she takes off to college or something like that,"

"Awe man, that's rough. I mean I guess it must be cool to have someone else around besides your parents. Especially, when you get super sick out of nowhere like you usually do," I rolled my eyes letting out a sigh. What had she been doing on her laptop the other night?

"No, she gets all of the attention. This morning she was talking to my dad about the news and he was all in love with her. She woke up early to make breakfast and go out running. Running, like at four in the morning. Who does that? Crack head people, that's who," she chuckled shaking her head.

"Amy you hate talking about the news with your dad in the morning because you don't like to read the newspaper. Your mom wakes up early to make breakfast and leaves to work before you even come downstairs this is a good thing your mom gets a little more sleep. She does work double shifts at the hospital,"

"That's not the point. She's making me look bad," I groaned shoving my chemistry binder into my backpack before zipping it up.

"Hey," Marty greeted coming up behind me. I jumped dropping it.

"Don't do that. I hate when people sneak up on me Marty, fuck," her eyes did that thing again. 

"Have I done something to upset you?" she asked.

"Did you just hear what I said? You scared the shit out of me,"

"I only scared you because you were talking about me," my heartbeat began to rise. This is the second time she's caught me lying. I think it's going to be a habit with her around.

"No, I wasn't. Why would I spend my time talking about you? You aren't shit," her eyes flickered again and next thing I know I'm up against a locker with both her hands pressing me against it.

"Don't you ever talk to me like that again you fucking brat. I'm sorry I'm making your pitiful existence a little more bearable. Why don't you get your head out of your ass and shut the fuck up? Stop complaining you sound like a dumb. Ignorant. Bitch," she made a noise in the back of her throat that sounded a lot like a growl and shoved me against the locker again before stepping back without taking her eyes off of me. Her nostrils flared a little, her skin flushed, and the anger in her eyes made them tremble.

Marty turned around and began to walk away from me. Everyone began to ask me if I was okay. I swear I think my stomach just fell out of my ass. I tried taking deep breaths in hopes that this scared feeling would fade but it was like something inside of me began to suffocate. My ears are ringing. My skin feels itchy. It has to be an adrenaline rush or something. I've never felt like this before.

When the buzzing in my body finally faded I wanted to run after her and beg for her to forgive me. It's an odd sensation and I don't know why it is I'm feeling it. I still think she's a bitch, only now, the bigger part of me didn't like that I thought that way of her. I got what I needed from my locker and began to make my way to class. Everyone kept glancing at me wondering if I was okay. What the hell is wrong with me?

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