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Limp Bizkit- Behind Blue Eyes

                                                                        In The Night He Comes

It had been cold out. One of those crystal clear nights that allow us to see the stars and the moon in a picturesque of serenity. It's a beautiful night for wolves to be out. My parents had been informed that the border lines had been cleared that a run would be fine. I couldn't wait to go out there and let my wolf run. It had been a few days since I had let her out and she was itching to go. We both have. Letting her run clears my mind. It takes away the tension of training in my skin, the stress of my studies, and the pressure that comes with being the next alpha of the pack.

My wolf and I have been together for five years now. Our relationship is based on what we learn as a team and where our tempers lead us. My temper isn't as bad as hers but we compromise with my self-control and her lack of. There are days when I let her have her way but mostly, I keep her in check or we'd both get into trouble. 

We're still young or so we're told. I'm seventeen a second born alpha pup. The heir, not because I had been born to take the pack as my father and his father before him.  But because my brother had been taken from us just days after my first shift. His responsibilities all fell on me. Everything changed that night. I do it for him. I try my hardest to do as I'm told to achieve everything he had been expected to and I do it without a single complaint. I want to honor him this way and it's the one thing my wolf and I will always uphold. The promise to be the alpha this pack deserves and needs. 

My wolf pounced on one of the old roots of a tree making the mice hiding inside of it scatter. She bounced around toying with them trying to catch one by cupping it in her paws. This is one of her favorite things to do. That and chase squirrels. Those are her favorite prey. They're the hardest to catch.

With one last jump, she caught one under her paws and let out a little yelp when it bit her. I laughed earning me a low growl of annoyance from her. She lifted her paw letting it go. The mice ran around until they all disappeared again. She lifted her paw up and licked the small bite where the mouse had bitten her. 

Everything had gotten really quiet. I urged her to stay low. She didn't like the silence any more than I did and complied backing into the bushes by the tree. A loud growl echoed in the direction I had seen my parents run in when we had come out here. She was up in a second listening trying to hear any kind of distress. The snarls broke the silence and I jumped forward trying to find where they were. 

My body froze before I could get any closer to the sounds of the fight. We skid to a stop staying in place unable to move. I recognized what this was right away. My dad had done this to me one other time. The night my brother had died. The unmistakable absolution of an Alpha Command. My wolf tried to fight against it but there was no use. I'm not old enough or experienced enough to try and break it.

After a few minutes, the command broke. The feeling of triumph was short lived when a sharp pain ripped through my chest making my entire body shake. It burned through my body giving me an extra boost of energy. I sprinted forward giving my legs all they could, fear fueling the desperation I felt. 

The first thing I noticed as I approached was the scent of blood. My dad's. My mom's and then another. One that made my mouth water and my wolf retreat inside giving me reign to her body. I broke through the trees chills coursing through my body as the tears came. Denial was the first thing that took over as I went over to the two wolves laying motionless in the center of the opening. A howl ripped through both of us seeing them like this. 

Both my parents were slaughtered. Anger coursed through me. I backed away from the scene in front of me and the well being of my pack struck. I turned away and sprinted towards the packhouse trying to get a hold of someone anyone. My wolf stopped us both before we broke through the tree line. The house, my house had been set on fire. I tried to push forward as the sound of my pack members inside cried out for help. I pair of hands gripped the fur on my back. I snarled rotating my body trying to fight back until I saw him. Cameron, my father's beta.

"Marty, we have to go," he said placing his hands on my snout to keep me quiet.

They're trapped. I shouted in my head.

"I know, baby girl, and the two of us cannot take on that many wolves. We have to go and retaliate," he pulled me away. I had struggled with him until I finally exhausted myself and let go. "That's a good girl," I heard him whisper in my ear as I let him take me away from my life, a life that was completely destroyed.

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