Chapter 5: Pills

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I woke up to the yelling and screaming of my mother. I didn't know why she was screaming all I know is Rachel wasn't in my arms anymore.



"STOP!" I yelled. "What the heck is going on here?!"

"Care to explain why there was a 14 year old girl in your bed wearing your shirt?!" Marissa yelled.

"First of all stop yelling at Rachel." I commanded. "Second Rachel is my mate which is why she was here."

All of a sudden Christina came down the hall.

"What is going on here?" Christina asked.

"I don't care if she is your mate or not stay away from her." Marissa said. I was so tired of this.

"Fine!" I yelled not realizing what I had just said in front of Rachel. Her eyes started tearing. I thought she was gonna cry for days. She got up and ran out of the room with Christina behind her.

An hour later I wanted to make sure Rachel was okay so I went to her room. She was sleeping on her bed.

"Rachel." I said she didn't answer me. "Rachel baby I'm sorry."

She still didn't answer me. I walked over to her bed and shook her she didn't wake up. I stepped on something on the floor I looked down to see what it was. It looked like a pill bottle. I picked it up it said Sleeping Pills. I quickly picked Rachel up and ran her down to the pack doctors. When I got there they looked at me in shock.

"Do something about this please." I begged I handed Rachel to the doctors. They took her into a operating room.

Kylie, Mary, Christina all showed up 10 minutes later.

"WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO?!" Kylie yelled.

"I said something in front of her and she ran off and took a bunch of sleeping pills." I said my face in my hands.

"If anything happens to her while she is in there I will make you pay for it." Mary growled. Christina glared at me.

"You don't deserve her." She said.

"What did you say to her?" Mary asked.

"He agreed to rejecting her." Christina growled. "I'm going to see her."

"What the heck were you thinking?!" Christina yelled.

"That if I took a bunch of pills my twin would leave me alone." I said.

"Moms are worried about you a lot." Christina said sitting on the edge of my bed.

"I know." I sighed at the thought. "Am I grounded?"

"No, but moms are going to put somebody 6 feet underground." Christina said. Great!

"Yeah and we want to talk to you." Mary said.

"Christina can you go." Kylie said. She nodded and walked out.

"We aren't mad we understand we just wanted to make sure you were okay." Mary said.

"We know what Dallas said we understand." Kylie said.

"Can I talk to her?" Dallas asked leaning against the door frame.

"Yeah." My moms said walking out of the room. Well thanks a lot. This was gonna be fun.

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