Chapter 2: Truth or Dare

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It was the weekend so we decided to play truth or dare spin the bottle style. By we I mean me, Austin, Dustin, Andrew, Christina, Faith, Sabrina, and Rachel.

"Ok let's start." Austin said.

"Remember nothing to dirty." Dustin said.

"Yeah, yeah who's gonna start?" I asked.

"Christina you start." Dustin said.

"Okay." She said. She spun the bottle and it landed on Austin. "Austin truth or dare?"

"Dare." He said.

"Kiss your sister." Christina said. Sabrina put her face in her hands until Austin walked over to her and pulled her face up he softly pressed his lips to her while she put her arms around his neck. He finally pulled away from her.

"Wow well that was intense." Christina said. Austin reached for the bottle. It spun around and landed on Faith.

"Ok Faith truth or dare?" Austin asked.

"Truth." She said she was such a good girl.

"What is the worst thing you've ever done?" He asked.

"Um make out with a senior." She answered.

"Hmm your not as good as we thought." Austin said. The bottle spun and landed on Dustin.

"Dustin truth or dare?" Faith asked.

"Dare." Dustin said.

"Take of you shirt." Faith commanded. Dustin grinned and took of his shirt showing everybody his 8 pack Faith bit her lip at the sight. I looked over and saw Rachel staring off into space.

"Okay you can put your shirt back on now." Faith said. Dustin put his shirt back on. He went and spun the bottle and it landed on Rachel.

"Rachel truth or dare?" Dustin asked.

"Dare." Rachel said.

"I dare you to kiss Rider." He said. Rachel bit her lip at what she had to do but all I know is that I wanted those soft lips on mine.

"Come here." I commanded Rachel crawled over to me. I placed my hand on her cheek and rubbed it slowly so she would calm down. I pressed my lips to hers softly he arms wrapped around my neck slowly. Her lips felt like heaven on mine before we went to far I pulled away from her. I did need to be attracted to a 14 year old girl at 18. Rachel walked back over to her spot and spun the bottle it landed on Andrew.

"Andrew truth or dare?" Rachel asked.

"Truth." He said.

"Who's your princess?" Rachel asked. When somebody asked who your princess was it meant who you loved the most weather you had a mate or not.

"Christina." He answered. She blushed at his words. Andrew spun the bottle and it landed on me.

"Dallas truth or dare." Andrew asked.

"Truth." I said I always choose dare.

"How old was the youngest girl you liked this year?" He asked.

"14." I said everybody looked at me confused they all wanted to know who but I wasn't telling.

"Okay I'm tired can we stop now?" Sabrina whined.

"Fine there are tents in the other room I'll go get them." Austin said.

"We only have 4 so people have to share." Dustin said.

"Okay I'll sleep with Rachel." I said. All the girls looked at me like I had to heads. "What is gets dark down here you guys will get scared."

"True." Dustin said.

Austin set up the tents he took Sabrina's hand and took her into one of the tents. Christina and Faith went into one Dustin and Andrew into another. I turned out the lights and Christina and Faith screamed. Andrew got out of the tent and went into the other one after Faith got out to go with Dustin. I walked over to my tent and which was hard to find since it was pitch black dark. I walked over and saw Rachel standing outside.

"You gonna go in our not?" I asked.

"Can I ask you something?" She asked.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Can we go inside first?" She said. I nodded as I let her crawl in first me following her. I zipped up the tent and laid down the turned to look at Rachel.

"Okay what did you want to ask me?" I asked.

"The 14 year old you like is it me?" She asked.

"Yes." I said with a sigh.

"Your not my mate are you?" Rachel asked.

"I am." I said. She unzipped the tent and stormed out of the room. I quickly followed her to where she was going.

"Stop." I commanded.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked tears almost coming out of her eyes.

"I didn't think you felt the same way." I explained.

You didn't thunk I felt the same way seriously I sit in my room and cry and cut my self sometimes over you and you didn't think I felt the same way." Rachel said full on crying now. "I'm so pathetic."

I grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to me.

"You are not pathetic." I said. Then thought how she said she cut herself.
"Wait a minute when I walked into your room today you told me it was just that one time."

"I lied." She confessed. I lifted up her sleeves and saw all the cuts.

"What can I do to get these cuts off?" I asked.

"You drive right." She said I nodded.

We drove down to the beach where there was nobody else. She pulled me to a private are and took of her clothes except for her bra and underwear.

"Don't freak out." Rachel begged.

"Okay I won't." I said.

She dove into the water and got a tail she was completely white she looked so beautiful.

"I'm a hybrid." She confessed."

"Of a werewolf and a mermaid." I said. She nodded.

"Well I'm a hybrid but of a werewolf and vampire." I said. "Your beautiful Rachel."

"Thank you." She said.

"MINE!" I growled.

"Yours." She said back. I loved the sound of that.

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