Chapter 1: I Said No

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It was Friday and I was so happy. I get to chill all weekend. I went downstairs in the pack house I lived in the main one. My sister was right behind me. We were twins but we weren't identical. We were inseparable. I went downstairs to see my moms. Yes I have 2 moms and they are the coolest people ever.

"Good morning loves." Kylie said.

"Hi Mama, mom." Christina and I said in unison.

"It seems you two are ready for school." Mary said.

"Yeah we are." Christina said.

"You guys hungry?" Kylie asked. Christina and I nodded.

"Hey can we have food too?" Faith asked coming out of nowhere with Sabrina.

"Uh huh you guys know the drill eat and get out." Mary said in a monster voice. Handing us our plates.

We quickly ate and put our plates in the sink.

"Why do you people get up so dang early?" Dallas the Alphas' son asked running into the wall.

"Because they don't stay up all night and have sex." Kylie snapped.

"I don't stay up all night and have sex." Dallas said.

"Really tell me ears that." Austin said walking into the kitchen with Dustin and Andrew.

"Shut up." Dallas commanded.

"Where is my favorite girl?" Austin asked he was talking about Sabrina his little sister. They were really close not mate close but close. Austin walked over to Sabrina and showered her face with kisses.

"Love you." Sabrina said punching Austin in th arm.

"Love you back." Austin said.

"Okay can we go to school now?" I asked.

"Yes." Mary said.

"Bye love you guys." I said hugging my moms with Christina.

"Shouldn't you guys be going too?" Faith asked the boys.

"Yeah we should come on." Dustin said.

We were walking when Dallas came and pushed me, I didn't fall it just hurt a little. Him being 6'8 and me 5'8.

"Dustin what the neck." Christina yelled helping me up.

"What she was in mg my way." He said. He always did our said stuff like that to me.

"Okay I know your you but do you have to be a jerk all the time?" Austin asked.

"Ok, ok I'll tell her I'm sorry." I said.

"Thank you." Austin said.

I was in my room then remembered that I had to go apologize to Rachel. I walked across the house to Rachel's room. I opened the door slightly and was amazed by what I saw. Rachel on the floor cutting herself. She was crying her eyes out and there was blood all over her arms and hands.

"RACHEL WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled causing her to look up at me. I took the knife from her and she stood up. Christina walked in the room and looked at me then Rachel. "GET OUT!" I yelled Christina quickly left.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"I wanted to apologize but then I came in and saw this." I said.

"It was only this one time I promise." She said.

"Is this because of me?" I asked.

"Not only because of you I just have problems." Rachel said. "Please don't tell anyone especially my moms."

"Rachel you need help I have to tell someone." I explained.

"Please I'll do anything." She said putting her hands on my chest. "Please I won't do it again I promise."

"Fine." I said. "But if I see this again I'm telling Mary and Kylie."

"Your not allowed to be alone to much anymore." I said.

"DALLAS that's stupid." Rachel snapped. "Please let me go out by myself at least."

"I said no." I snapped back.

"Fine!" She yelled.

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