My Birthday

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I wake up very happy and hungry. Today is finally my birthday!
What could possibly go wrong this day? Nothing.
I have a pretty good life, I'm very popular at school, have a lot of friends, have excellent grades and it's very possible that I be the homecoming queen. Although I'm popular, I still never had a boyfriend, I'm just friend with most of the boys. That upsets me a little bit cause my other friends already had one and I'm turning 18...and nothing. But I decided not to be upset about anything today ,cause apart of being my birthday, it was a special day. My parents are going to talk me about their life before I was born. Of course I asked when I was a little girl but they never told me, not even about their wedding, they always change the subject. But they promised today they would tell me. I'm so excited!!
So I get up and go downstairs where I smell pancakes (my favourite).

Hi mom! - I say.

Hello beautiful, happy birthday! - Rachel says and hugs me.

Thanks! - I reply - where's dad?

Oh, he's in the bathroom, he'll come out in a minute. - Rachel says - Here are your pancakes.

Mmm...they look good, thanks - I say as I sit around the little table we have for 4 persons - Still can't believe you cooked pancakes without burning them - I say with a little laugh.

Ha Ha - Rachel replys with a sarcastic tone.

I'm about to eat them when suddenly I hear little steps coming to me.
My little brother Thomas. He's such a sweet boy who loves dinasours like my dad but he's also a little devil sometimes for being 12 years old.

Happy birthday!! - he says happily, I think his more excited than me.

Thank you!!! - I say hugging him.

He and mom sit with me and we begin to eat. At that moment my dad comes in and shouts - Happy Birthday!!!! - he then hugs me. I can realize he wasn't in the bathroom because of the few bags he was holding up.

Thank you! -I reply.

My parents realize I can't stop looking at my presents, so they give them to me. My brother was jelous but in the good sense.

I start opening them, there is a nice shirt, a pair of pants, a necklace, and really nice shoes. My mom has such a good taste.
_._._._._._._. _._._._._

When we finish eating, I go upstairs and put on my new clothes, straight my hair and put on some makeup (not much). I go downstairs to look for my phone in the livingroom. I'm about to text my friends to confirm that we're going out today when I hear my father:

Emma - he says - Me and your mom got one more present for you.

Great!! - I say happily.

But this is very special - mom says - And as we keep our promises, we're gonna tell you everything - she says seriously.

I open the present.
There was 3 CD's that said: Emma's first birthday, Our wedding, Happy moments with the gang.

What's this?- I ask confused

It's the truth - they both say in unison.

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