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Southern Californ-i

When we arrived back at the hotel, we literally just passed out. The moment I felt the soft blankets on my skin and the pillow comforting my head- I was out. I was too tired to do anything and he was clearly exhausted so we called it a night and wound up sleeping till around ten. Checking my phone as soon as I woke up, Nicole and Mickey said they were already out to breakfast. I guess they got tired of waiting for us to wake up, which is fine. We can always meet up later on.

"Today is your day, so what'chu wanna do while we're out here?" CJ asked as he took a seat next to me on the bed. I was braiding my hair to the side when I noticed the scent of his old spice began to fill the room dim room. It wasn't nearly as good as the cologne his car constantly smells like but it was still a nice smell that drew me to him. Our curtains remained closed aside from a small space but it wasn't big enough to have all that of an impact on the room.

"Honestly... I don't really know what to do. I still can't believe Dad actually let me come up here." The shock value that Dad literally let me go with CJ to a place that was about eight to ten hours away... when before, just letting me walk down the street with a neighbor would have caused him a heart attack. So for him to let me go with CJ this far away... seems like I'm dreaming and waiting to wake up.

"Ain't I tell you I was good? Believe it 'cause now you're in San Francisco. I was thinkin' we grab breakfast and then walk along the Golden Gate Bridge." He offered twirling around one of his earrings as he looked over at me. "Unless you wanna do dinner and then walk along it? Actually, night sounds better."

"Yeah, I like the idea of dinner and then walking better since I'm still trying to shake the sleep off." A yawn creeping up on me. "We should probably find out where the other two are and then go from there- wait what about you dropping off-"

"That can be done tomorrow. I said today was your day so all focus is on you." He was quick and affirmative to say. "Don't even worry about what I need to get done."

"I'm not worried, I just don't want me being here taking away from what you came here to get done." He assure me that that wasn't the case. "How long have you been delivering drugs to said person?"

"A lil' while. She only buys from me because Rack City knows exactly what she likes and just how much of it. Then obviously I bring it up to her because she can't come down to get it." He explained. "I'm ready when you are."

"I'll text them and see what's good." I was kind of hoping they'd say for CJ and I to just go and do our own thing but it's the four of us up here so I can't be trying to exclude them... I can still hope though.


Mickey and I had walked down a few streets till we ended up in a nail salon. We needed to pass time since CJ and Vanity weren't awake when we were and sitting in a hotel room gets boring after so many hours.

The more I talked to Mickey about what I was doing to CJ, the more guilty I felt. So I wanted to speak to CJ about that, especially apologize. I'm hoping shopping will bring up my mood but I highly doubt Vanity will even be wanting to go with us but at least I have Mickey here to talk to.

"So Vanity texted me asking where we should meet? I was thinking we go back to the hotel and then we all take a car?" Mickey suggested as we walked out of the nail shop. I already felt a little better now that my nails look all nice.

"Tell her we'll be back in the hotel in no more than ten." I said. I saw so many smaller shops just lining this entire street. "We'll try to get Vanity to come out with us for the night. Patch things up and live it up since it's her birthday, right?" Mickey nodded. "If she was up earlier we could have treated her to getting her nails done too but she chose to sleep in."

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