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Southern Californ-i 

Pulling up to the school, my usual parking spot was taken and I just stared at it for a moment. I don't know why I stared at it as if thinking that my stare would just magically make the current car disappear but I was taken out of my stare when the car behind me honked. Looking in the rear view mirror it was none other than CJ who was honking. I stuck my hand out the window and flipped him off before I tried to find another parking spot... which I did but it was a lot farther away. 

"Was the honking really needed?" I asked in sheer annoyance as he parked next to me. 

"You weren't moving so it was needed. No need to flip the bird but you need to lose the attitude." He closed his door and motioned for me to walk ahead. 

"Are you just choosing to ignore the obvious?" 

"I'm not ignoring anything, fill me in." I wanted to smack him with the binder a good three or four times. I just glared at him with a dumbfound expression that still didn't seem to give a hint to what I was referring to. "You gonna talk or look stupid?"

"This morning, you dumbass. My Dad caught you in my bed." I said in a more hushed tone so no one who was passing by could hear and he just laughed like as if this wasn't a big deal. "Are you kidding me? This isn't funny-"

"I never said it was funny. You're just makin' a big ass deal out of nothin'. He walked in when we were sleeping, aight. We weren't even as much as hugged up and my back was to the door, so why you trippin'?" 

"You and I both see it that way and as something harmless but my Dad doesn't. You sure he couldn't see your face?" We got to my locker and he leaned up against the one next to mine, stuffing his hands in his pockets like usual as I shuffled around all my stuff. This has literally become my usual morning routine, whether I needed something from my locker or not, I just automatically come here to shuffle things around in my locker.  

"My back was to the door, I doubt he saw. I know your Dad saw you had clothes on so I don't think-" He stopped mid sentence and I looked up at him to see he was back to looking at his phone. I looked behind me and saw Nicole come walking up to us. 

"Morning." She said rather cheerfully. There was a bit of tension that came along with her and I just kind of glanced between the two of them. 

"Hey Nicole, how are you?" I spoke up since CJ clearly didn't wanna talk. Instead he just walked off.. rude much but fine. 

"I'm good, how are you?" She watched him walk off before adverting her attention back to me. Closing my locker, we started to walk down the hall side by side. She didn't even seem like she was too content to be walking with me... like she seemed happier back at the lockers and now just not so much. I could just be over analyzing everything because of what happened this morning as it's put me on edge. 

CJ doesn't give a rat's ass about it, I'm not talking to Mickey and Nicole gets weird when I mention CJ so I had no one to discuss the issue with- I sound like I'm way too dependent on other people. For all I know I probably am but I'm lonely and just want someone to openly talk to when I need to, is that too much to ask for? 

"I'm alright." Far from but I don't even wanna dare tell you the most recent problem. You'll probably have about ten attitudes and three tantrums, so let's not get into details about my morning. My phone vibrated and I saw it was a few messages from Dad but I chose not to read the messages. I put the phone back in my purse and tried my best to ignore it as more messages came through. 

"Your phone though." She said with a laugh. "Didn't know you suddenly became so popular." 

"I'm not, trust me. It's just my Dad." 

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