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Southern Californ-i

Graduation was a day I was so eager for. From the day I discovered I didn't like school, which was at around fifth grade, I've craved for this day to arrive and now that it's here... I personally couldn't even careless about it.

It was speech after speech from all these people, they were putting me to sleep because they were saying the same thing just using different words to sound smarter than the last person. I get it, we worked hard and now we're off into the world to see what new challenges come our way and start our own lives- I get it.

CJ was lucky he wasn't here because he wasn't missing out on anything important. I sat in between Jordan and Nicole which wasn't so bad. Nicole was too focused on the guy to her right and I didn't feel like talking so Jordan and I remained quiet.

When all was said and done, I abandoned Nicole since I knew she was going to want to take a trillion unnecessary pictures. Dad was walking in my direction with the biggest smile I'd seen since we arrived in California. Seeing that smile made me feel like I finally did something right that makes him proud of me. Lately I've been his biggest disappointment but today was the day I break the disappointment streak.

"I'm so proud of you, Vanity. I really mean it, it's hard to believe you're actually done with school." He said as he pulled me in for a hug. He was starting to get all emotional and I just pat his back...maybe I'm just really detached from feelings but I don't find this to be a moment to cry over. If it were college, the by all means but this is just High School.

"Thanks Dad." I said as best as I could but he was hugging me so tight. "Can I breathe, please?" I asked with a small laugh that got him to let go of me. "I know this is a big moment but can we please go home? I don't wanna be here with all these people."

"I was waiting for you to ask that. You don't even want to see Jordan and Nicole-"

"Nope. I wanna go home." And see CJ if anyone. It's Saturday, the first official day of freedom and I don't wanna be pestered by Nicole to go hang with her and I know Jordan's working today. "I can always see them tomorrow or something."

"Well alright then, let's go. You wanna pick up something to eat on the way home?"

"I'm not hungry at the moment, honestly. Too excited to eat." Lie but I didn't want him questioning why I was so eager to get home.

"That's understandable. We can go out to dinner or something if you want but are you gonna call Mickey and congratulate her?" She's been on my mind lately and I'll never forget what she did but it's best to forgive and move on. We both lived to see another day and I walked out of the whole ordeal with just a bullet wound that healed up nicely. I just have a scar to look at the rest of my life but I'd take a scar over anything.

"I guess so. Haven't talked to her in so many weeks so watch it be an awkward congrats."

When I got home, I slipped off the cap and gown, setting them neatly on my bed and I grabbed my phone off my desk. I had a message from CJ but I'll answer him after I get the Mickey call out of the way.

I took a seat on the corner of my bed with the phone pressed to my ear. It rang once, twice and then she answered.

"Well look who finally decided to call me back after so many weeks. Was I finally good enough?"

"I didn't have to call you at all. You weren't the one who was nearly killed at gun point and had to be on the look out for two hit men. You just got to sit at home on your bed smoking whatever else you have in your room. I called to say congratulations since I know you graduated today as well." There was moment of silence till she finally decided to speak.

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