Oh no - Prince Merlin 0.5

Start from the beginning

"He prefers to fight with daggers and his favorite Khopesh so he needs to be flexible and agile. His clothes are actually more loose then a typical knights." Thomas informs, giving Merlin a sheath that was curved with the inside of the curve being made of metal. Thomas himself was sporting a sword on his right hip along with twin daggers right behind his head, parallel with his spine.

Gwaine nodded, moving his eyes along the two men's weapons and the curved dagger that Merlin was almost cradling. "So what's that Merlin?" Gwaine said while pointing to the curved dagger.

Merlin unsheathed said dagger, curved starting from the hilt to the tip, which had a almost thorn-like hook that pointed in the opposite direction of the point. the Khopesh was silver in color with a leather bound hilt with a wrist strap on the end. Along the blade on both sides there was writing in the language of the dragons. "This is my Khopesh, it's name is Disemboweler. It came from a boat wreak that washed onshore when I was younger, and when I was old enough to work metal with the royal blacksmiths I shaped it to be more, practical. "Merlin said, grinning when he felt the edge of the blade and the tip of the thorn. "Thanks for keeping it sharp." Merlin thanked Thomas, putting Disemboweler back into its sheath and attaching it around his hips to rest at the base of his back.

"Merlin!" Arthur shouted, just getting to the field. "Good thing you got back from your ride when you did, thought you wouldn't be able to join in for once." When Arthur got closer to the brothers he saw what they were wearing and armed with and did a double take, not missing the slightly perturbed expressions on the knights. "What on Earth are you wearing?"

Merlin and Thomas sighed at the same time. "What are we training for Arthur? We're leaving in a few days and we should be preparing for the journey." Merlin questioned, taking one of the daggers and flipping it end over end.

"Arthur watched Merlin flip the dagger a few times before answering. "Well seeing how different your culture is from ours I thought there might be a few pointers you and your brother can show us that might help us against Darthon knights." Arthur explained.

Merlin stopped flipping the dagger when Arthur finished talking and shrugged, nodding. "This is true, if you want me and Thomas can spar so you can see first hand how we fight."

Arthur looked slightly surprised by the offer and nodded, moving to where his knights were moving on the edge of the field.

Thomas and Merlin moved away from the Camelot knights and over where their knights were now standing near a bench.

"So what do you think boys, should we put on a show?" Thomas asked, grinning.

Merlin chuckled, the other knights doing the same, and nodded. "Yah, lets do it."

(WARNING: This is all happening really fast, like Kirito VS. Heathcliff (Look up 'sao kirito vs hethcliff' on youTube and click the second video. That one), so I'm not going to add in quickly and such repeatedly to try and say that.)

Thomas skipped backward toward the center of the field, unsheathing his daggers as he went; holding them down and away from himself. Merlin, who had been facing the Darthon knights as his brother left, turned around and threw a dagger at his brother, who was able to deflect it into the dirt. Merlin ran at his brother, throwing another dagger before unsheathing his Flamberge daggers and aims to impale his brother in the gut with both blades. Thomas, who had deflected the flying dagger away like the last, flipped his daggers upside down in his hands and hit Merlin's away before they could touch him. Thomas raised his right dagger up to cut Merlin's throat but Merlin backhanded his brothers wrist with his left hand before aiming to hit his brother in the neck with the butt of his right dagger. Thomas ducked away before aiming to kick his brother in the thigh. Merlin crossed his arms above his wrists, blocking his brothers foot from connecting with his leg. Merlin, with his arms still crossed, brought his arms up and tries to decapitate Thomas. (Like Anakin to Count Dooku in Revenge of the Sith) Thomas once again ducked out of the way before putting his left hand dagger away and taking out his sword.

 (Like Anakin to Count Dooku in Revenge of the Sith) Thomas once again ducked out of the way before putting his left hand dagger away and taking out his sword

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Merlin grinned and switched his right dagger for Disemboweler and sheathed his left. Both brothers circled each other, about 6 feet away from the other. Merlin made the first move. He charged Thomas, aiming for his side when Thomas blocked it with his dagger, turning it into an upward arch. The blades separated at the apex of the arch, and taking advantage of Merlin becoming slightly off balance Tomas struck out to slice Merlin's stomach. Merlin, who wasn't fast enough, got nicked above and to the left of his navel. The two brothers stopped, Thomas with his right arm still across his chest from the swing and Merlin with Disemboweler at his side.

All the Camelot knights, including their king, were completely still. They had never seen someone fight quite like that. Though it wasn't too different from how they fight, there were the slight differences. Such as how fast the brothers were able to move when attacking or defending, or how they didn't rely on brute force like many Camelot knights.

Merlin, who now had a red patch on his shirt, lost his stance first, dropping hi arms to his sides completely. "I seen to be out of practice." Merlin scoffed jokingly.

Thomas, who also dropped his arms to his side, laughed. "Seems so. I though I would have to use my sword." Thomas waved said sword around slightly, before sheathing it and his dagger. Merlin also sheathed Disemboweler before falling onto his knees and sitting on his feet. After taking a deep breath Merlin winced and grabbed at the cut his brother left. Thomas looked at Merlin's hand when he pulled it away, seeing a little bit of blood still dripping from it. "You going to be ok with that?" Thomas questioned, making Merlin roll his eyes.

"Oh no, I shall die in pain and agony from this wound." Merlin jested sarcastically, before adapting an overdramatic voice. "How could you Thomas? Your own brother! Oh the pain!" Merlin then fell back, moving his feet out from under himself, then proceeded to writhe dramatically on the grass. "The pain! I can see the light Thomas! I can see your first horse, she says your an ass!" He then makes a few gasping noises, reaching toward the sky before going limp with a loud sigh.

Thomas and the Darthon knights, along with a few Camelot knights who were snickering, were doubled over laughing. Thomas walked over to Merlin's "dead body" and held out a hand, which Merlin grabbed and was pulled up. The two brothers patted each other on the shoulders with both hands before turning and walking to the Camelot knights.

Arthur, who was in front of the rest of the knights, clapped. "Why'd you stop? It was getting intense."

Merlin pointed to his cut, saying "Me and Thomas made a game out of training. Whoever can cut the other first wins. We keep it down to small wounds so neither of us bleed out accidently or risk getting an infection."

Arthur looked at the cut in concern, but concluded that Merlin knows how to heal it. "Well I sure can tell that we need a bit more practice. How about you train the men on the way out of Camelot, seeing it will take the first week to get to the border."

Merlin nodded, agreeing to that idea, and signaled for his knights to come over to them. "Alright men! We'll be leaving by mid-day tomorrow! Pack what you need and leave what you don't. It'll take about a week to get to the Darthon border so pack enough food."

Thomas stepped forward. "Once we get to the border we will likely run into a few friends who can help us. If we run into our uncles men, don't hold back. Dismissed."

The knights all bowed before heading off to pack, the blue bloods doing the same.



Ok so I'm going full on into this so the next few updates will be the journey to Darthon. I have a lot planned for Darthon and it's inhabitants so sorry if I make it seem drawn out.

That's it. Thank you if you read it.

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