Chapter 36: Movies amd Sickness

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Me, Thomas, and Ansel got out of the car and started walking toward the theater's entrance. Dylan, Bella, and Aris came after us. We all walked in and went to buy tickets. There were a few movies that we wanted to watch so we needed to vote again. The majority voted for watching Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies. Thomas bought tickets for me and him. Dylan bought tickets for him and Bella. Aris and Ansel bought their own tickets.

Everyone started sitting in the theater except for me and Thomas. We decided to get a large drink and large popcorn for us to share. I bought it this time. When we were done, we walked into the theater and sat at the end of the row. Bella saved two seats for us. There were a bunch of commercials playing so we decided to get ready for the movie. I cuddled up against Thomas and he wrapped his arm around me.

The movie started and everything went silent. When the zombies came, I buried my head in Thomas's chest. I pretended to be scared just so I could be closer to him. Good plan right? When the movie was finished, I walked out with Thomas and all of our friends. We decided to go home. Everyone parted into the two cars. I drove me, Thomas, and Ansel home. It was my turn to drive.

On the way home we stopped at McDonald's for some food. I got two plain cheese burgers with fries and a root beer. Thomas got the same. Ansel only got large fries and a drink. I guess he wasn't that hungry. Ansel volunteered to pay this time. After he paid, I parked in the parking lot and we started eating.

When we finished eating, I started driving home. When we got there, I collapsed onto the couch. I just wanted to lay down and watch TV. Thomas sat next to me and Ansel went to sleep in his room. Titanic was on so me and Thomas started watching it. I really love this movie. It is packed with romance and action. That is the best combination for movies.

When the movie was done, I was really bored. I decided to go shopping. Thomas agreed. I walked upstairs and went to Ansel's room. I woke him up and told him that we were going shopping for an hour or two. Ansel looked horrible. He looked really sick.
"Are you ok? You look really sick." I said with a lot of concern.
"I don't feel too good. Would you mind getting me some medicine when you and Thomas go shopping?" He asked.
"Of course I'll get you some medicine." I said. I puty hand on Ansel's forehead and it was steaming hot. I grabbed my phone and wallet and walked outside. Thomas already had the car on. We started driving to Walmart. I bought medicine for Ansel then we went back home.

I walked up to Ansel's room with Thomas. Ansel was sleeping. I shook him gently and he woke up. His face was covered with sweat. I helped him sit up and gave him the medicine. After that, he went back to sleep. I am worried about him. Me and Thomas decide to stay with him in his room, just in case. We turned on the TV and sat on the floor.

After a few hours, it was time for Ansel to take his medicine. I woke him up and gave it to him. He looked a little bit better. It was getting late so Thomas went to bed in our room. I didn't want to leave Ansel's side so I slept on the floor with my pillow and blankets. In the morning, Ansel woke me up and said that he was feeling better. We walked downstairs and Thomas was there making breakfast. He served us and we ate. When we were done eating, we all started going outside. Ansel suggested that we should go to a pool. Me and Thomas agreed.

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