Chapter 5: Truth or Dare

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While we were waiting for Thomas, I asked Bella if she wanted Dylan to come over for the sleep over too. She said yes. Dylan didn't have a car yet so I texted Thomas.
Tommy, would you mind doing a favor for me?

Of course. Anything for the most beautiful girl in the world. Also the love of my life.

Awww, your so cute.

I try my best. What's the favor?

Can you pick up Dylan for me? He's coming over too.

Ok. I'll go now.

Thank you so much Tommy. I love you.

I love you too Allison. I'll be right there.

"Thomas is going to pick up Dylan." I told Bella. She squealed, "Yay!" As we were waiting, we decided on where everyone was going to sleep and what we were going to do. Thomas is going to sleep in his blankets or sleeping bag, right next to my bed. Dylan and Bella are going to sleep somewhere in front of my bed with their sleeping bags.

Ding dong. The door bell rang. I ran downstairs before my parents could. At the door was Thomas and Dylan. I hugged Thomas as he kissed my cheek and said hi to Dylan. "Bella is upstairs. Come on." I said. Dylan nodded and followed me to my room. On the walls are posters of The Maze Runner, The Hunger Games, Divergent, Star Wars, Percy Jackson, Doctor Who, and Once Upon A Time. My bed had a dark blue blanket on it with a pillow that has a blue pillow case. My curtains are blue and my wall is a light blue color. I guess I'm obsessed with blue.

"Hey Bella." Dylan said. He put his stuff down on the floor in the corner of the room. Everyone else did the same. "We should start putting our pajamas on." I suggested. Everyone nodded and grabbed their pajamas. Dylan went into the bathroom to change. Bella went into my room. Me and Thomas waited in the hallway. We waited in an awkward silence. In about two minutes, Bella walked out of my room. She had blue pajama pants with blue polka dots and a white short sleeved shirt with Percy Jackson on it.

I went into the room to start changing. I started putting on some purple pajama shorts and a black short sleeved shirt that had Newt from The Maze Runner on it. I decided to wear that shirt because it had my boyfriend on it. I walked out of the room and saw that Dylan had already come out. He was wearing grey sweat pants and a plain, white t-shirt.

Thomas suddenly came out of the bathroom. He had red basketball shorts on and a plain, black shirt. He smiled and grabbed my hand. "Hey, I'm on your shirt." Thomas said. "That's because I love you." I said smiling. We walked to my room and sat on my bed. We all sat in a circle.

"Let's play truth or dare." Bella said. We had planned to play it. The boys agreed and we chose Bella to go first.
"Thomas, truth or dare." She said.
"Dare." He said with a slight smile.
"I dare you to kiss Allison." She said.
Both me and Thomas looked at each other with our faces red. We were blushing a lot. Thomas and I stood up. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. Our faces were inching closer and closer. I felt his breath on my face. I started kissing him. It felt really good. Suddenly, the door opened.

"Do you guys want some coo-" Mom said.
"Why are you two kissing?" She asked.
"He's my boyfriend, of course I'll kiss him every once in a while. Also we are playing truth or dare and I was dared to." I explained.
"Ok." Was all she could say.
"Please don't tell dad. You know how he is. He'll flip out." I said.
She nodded. "Ok, I promise not to tell him if you let me take pictures of you before you go to the dance."
I nodded.
"Oh, like I was about to say. Do you guys want some cookies? I made some." She asked.
"Sure." We all said. Thomas and I separated and sat back down on the bed.
Mom can back with cookies. We ate them all and thanked her.
"Let's resume. Uh.... Dylan. Truth or dare?" Thomas said.
"Dare." He said.
"I dare you and Bella to stay in this room by yourselves for ten minutes." Dylan started blushing and nodded. Thomas and I went out into the hall.

Bella's POV

I was blushing a lot. Staying in a room with Dylan is actually good though. We can talk or do whatever.
"Oh, the lights have to be off." Thomas added as he opened the door and turned the lights off.
"So.... What do you want to talk about?" I asked Dylan.
"How about the dance? Did you get a dress yet?" He asked.
"Actually, I did. I went with Allison today to the mall. Have you gotten a tuxedo, suite, or whatever you're going to wear?" I asked.
"Yup, I did." He said.
After about five minutes of talking, our time was almost up. We had about six or seven minutes left.
"Bella, can I ask you something?" Dylan asked.
"Of course." I said. What is he going to ask me? I wondered.
"Would you like to um... b- be my g- girlfriend?" He stuttered.
"Yes! I will!" I said excitedly.
I tried to lean forward and hug him but I ended up falling off the bed.
"Time is up." I heard someone say outside. The light turned on suddenly.

Allison's POV

As I walked back into my room, I saw Bella on the floor and Dylan diving down to help her.
"What happened?" I asked.
"She was going to hug me, then fell off the bed." Dylan answered as he helped her up.
"Ok. Maybe no more truth or dare?" I said. They all nodded.
"We should probably get to bed. We still have school tomorrow. You should get your sleeping bags." I said. The three of them grabbed their blankets, pillows, sleeping bags, and anything else they needed. We all started laying down. After a while, I fell asleep. Tomorrow I have a lot of things to do. It will be the day before the dance.

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