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4 years ago~
"Where are we going?" She laughed.
"It's a surprise! Trust me you'll like it" Logan couldn't contain his smile. His hands were over her eyes leading her to the unknown location.
"I don't know if I can handle another one of your surprises" she teased.
He stopped in the middle of the clearing.
" Since when have you never liked one of my surprises?"
"Since you tricked me that one time and threw me in the lake", she muttered.
"Hey in my defense you wouldn't go swimming with me", he argued, "but I swear this surprise won't be bad, I know you'll love it. Trust me?" He asked slightly hesitant.
All she did was nod her head. He looked down at her and smiled to himself for a second before proceeding. He had been working hard trying to put this together for her since she hasn't been herself lately. As her best friend he knew it was up to him to cheer her up. He would do anything just to see her smile.
"How much longer?", she playfully teased.
"Not much longer, I promise"
Two minutes later they arrived.
"Ready?" He asked.
"Yes" she responded eagerly
Logan removed his hands from her doe-like eyes. She blinked a couple times and she gasped in surprise. Before her laid a house in a tree not too far up but not too low to the ground.
"Logan.." She whispered
"You like it?" He asked while rubbing the back of his neck. "I know you have just been going through the motions lately and you've always wanted a treehouse..so yea" he said shyly.
In a moment her arms were wrapped around his neck. It took only a second for him to snake his arms around her waist pulling her closer. He buried his face into the crook of her neck. He held her in his arms for a little until she started to pull away. He instantly missed her presence.
"You are absolutely amazing Logan Cypher" she beamed.
"I try" he cockily said.
She playfully hit his arm and shook her head.
"Want to go up and see it?" He asked.
She started jumping up and down and ran toward the ladder. Logan chuckled to himself at her excitement then followed her to the ladder.
"You seriously built all this by yourself?"
"Of course I did", he said leaning against a wall.
"How long did it take you?"
"Hmm, about a month I think"
"Are you sure it's safe" she asked eyeing the floor.
"Oh my gosh Kaylee! I promise you it's safe!" he said pretending to be annoyed, but he couldn't wipe the smile of his face.
Kaylee laid down on the floor looking at the ceiling. She couldn't believe he would do something like this for her. He took his time to do this for her. Why, was all she could think. Yes they have been best friends since she could remember, but she's never heard of a friend doing something this extravagant.While she was thinking Logan had sat down next to her and pulled his knees up to his chest and laid his arms lazily across them. She looked over and realized he was looking at her.
"What?" She questioned as she sat up.
"Nothing" he said looking straight into her eyes.
Kaylee rested her head on his shoulder as the sun slowly slid down the sky behind the mountains.
"I was getting worried! You didn't even tell me you were leaving!" Lana, Logan's mother, angrily stated.
"I'm sorry!" He hastily apologized between his mother's swats, "I was taking Kaylee to the treehouse!"
She immediately stopped. "I'll let it slide this time, but you better tell me next time or I'll-"
"I got it" he cut her off and pulled her into a hug. "I'll remember" he stated.
They had just finished dinner and Kaylee had gone to see her mother which left Logan, his mother, and his sister, Lily.
Lily looked at Logan with a knowing look, "Oh so you took her to the treehouse that you built, for her?"
"Yea so? She's my friend. Am I not allowed to do something nice for her?"
"Mhmmmm, 'friend' " she said putting air quotes around friend.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"It means you act like no one sees it, the way you look at her, how you will do anything for her. It's just shocking she hasn't noticed it." Lily said nonchalantly.
Logan stood there dumbfounded. "I...I don't know what you're talking about" he stuttered.
"Ugh, just admit it Logan, you lo-"
"Hey Kaylee" Logan quickly blurted out before lily could finish that thought.
She was walking to her room and she waved behind her to him. With that Logan quickly went to his room so he wasn't interrogated by his family anymore.

Hey I hope you enjoyed this chapter and leave a comment and rate it please it would really make my day :) Have an amazing day or night!

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