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Hello and thank you for picking up (well metaphorically) my book! I hope you stick around and enjoy it! Before I get started I just need to write a couple of reminders and, well notes:

~ So this book I had a hard time thinking of what category to put it under, but I decided on romance because that is kind of the man premise of the book. There is some action and I guess it could be classified as a fan fiction somewhat, because this book is loosely based around the world of the sword of truth series by Terry Goodkind. The only similarities is the world, the beings in the world, and the last names because I couldn't think of better ones :)

~ I have a really busy schedule because I am involved in a lot of things at school which take most of my time, but I will update as much as possible. I am hoping that I will be able to crank out 2 or 3 chapters a week (maybe more maybe less). Just bear with me I will try my hardest!

~ If you DO NOT like the book please do not leave a nasty comment that is just being rude. IF you don't like it click off the book and leave. No one is forcing you to read it. Just because we aren't face to face talking doesn't mean that what you say doesn't hurt. Keep in mind (not just with my writing) people work very hard on their writing and share it with everyone to bring joy to peoples' lives. Don't discredit their work with your hateful remarks. I am fine with constructive criticism but I WILL NOT tolerate rude comments.

~ If you do like the book leave a comment, share, vote do whatever you please :)

~ I have been writing this story for a little over two years now so I should be able to write more chapters because I kinda know where it's going and what I want with it :)

So thanks for reading this far if you did! Enjoy the book and thank you for looking at it and giving it a chance :D


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