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Once again thanks for reading! Enjoy!

The blood rushed in her ears and she intently watched her opponents next move. She could easily identify what he was going to do next. She crouched down and swept her foot to knock him off both of his. A triumph feeling rushed over her as she was able to take down a man two times her size.

 A voice broke her from her thoughts

"Behind you!" screamed a man who's gaze lingered on her for a moment to make sure she heeded his warning.

She turned around barley escaping his sword that was meant to enter her body. She elbowed him in the stomach while swiftly moving behind him flipping him and to his back. He hit his head hard on a rock. 

She looked back and the man who warned her and noticed a small smile crept upon his lips before being swiftly engrossed back into combat. 

She climbed the closest tree and grabbed her bow from and around her and then an arrow from her satchel and lined up a shot. She need to make sure in the crowd of fighting men she didn't hit the wrong one. Slowly, but surely, she took 6 of them the engulfed him out. One that they both had thought was dead got up and started for her ally. She quickly grabbed for another arrow, when the realization hit her; she was out of arrows. She hastily jumped out of the tree, when she landed she grabbed her daggers out of her boots and threw one at his shoulder, but ending it grazed him and bounced off. Luckily that was enough of a distraction for the man to notice and finish him off. She sat in a crouched position trying to catch her breath.

"Here let me help you" she looked up to see his face smiling down on her.

"Thanks Logan" She smiled back as he helped her up.

"You really need to work on your aim" Logan teased as he studied her.

"I saved your butt and that's all I get? Next time I'll let you die" She said back with a playful smile.

"Ouch! that hurt a little"

"Only a little? Darn" She winked at him.

"What in the world am I going to do with you Kaylee?" Logan laughed.

He proceeded to collect all the arrows and wash them off in a nearby river; she did the same with her dagger. As they walked back to where they set up camp they continued to playfully banter with each other. The camp wasn't the best it was thrown together the night before after a day and a half of traveling. A man popped up from behind a tree.

"Zorander!" Shouted Logan

"Boy my ears aren't like they used to be, please don't shout" Zorander pleaded.

"Sorry, I just didn't know you would be back so soon. You said you were going to be gone for at least the next two weeks" he said.

"Ended up they didn't need as much as I thought" Zorander stated staring off into the distance. "Anyways I'm starving let's eat!


Kaylee sat next to the fire with her eyes closed. She let the wind flow through her long hair while she listened to the two men talking and laughing. Hearing Logan's laughter made her smile softly to herself.

She opened her eyes to discover him looking at her

"Hm?" She questioned.

"Were you not listening at all to our conversation?"

"Of course I was I wouldn't miss one of your guys' conversations for the world" She laughed.

"Then back me up" He whined "he doesn't believe that I actually took 4 guys down at once" He reenacted in front of them making her laugh.

"See? She doesn't believe it either and she was there!" Zorander joked.

He sat down next to her pouting at her.

"Stop!" She giggled as he kept getting closer to her trying to make her agree with him.

She loved how he acted childish and play around in times like these, but it made her hope for the best and to not think about the impending doom of the keeper. Zorander fell of the log while laughing and continued his laughing spasm on the ground. They both starting laughing at him and while Zorander wasn't looking he longingly squeezed her hand. She looked up into his eyes, they were full of love and sadness, she bet hers matched his. He quickly pulled away when Zorander started getting up from the ground. She didn't look up right away because she knew he cheeks were full of color.

"It's been a long day, I think it's time we all slept" She said quietly getting up to move.

"I'll take the first watch" Logan stated.

Kaylee settled in her back to Logan as he sat on a tree stump with his back against a full tree. She could feel his eyes watching her making sure she was safe, she longed for his touch. She silently sighed

It didn't use to be this way...

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