Chapter 16

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I stand at the door, twisting my fingers. Mr. Blackbourne had fixed everything. Greg now had in-school suspension and I got into no trouble at all except a lecture I deserved. Ah well, my punishment was way better that Greg's.

"Come in," Come a weak reply to my knock on the door just minutes ago. I waited longer, not sure if I should impose just yet. "I said come in!" The door opened to a badly bruised up Nathan.

I stood frozen. "What happened?" I couldn't seem to form a coherent thought. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Well, of course you're hurt, but how? And-and-" I stopped my ramblings abruptly.

"Sang, it's alright. As much as I don't want you to, I think you should leave."

If he didn't want me to leave but thought it was best for me to....He shouldn't have to care about a helpless girl. Especially when not in the best shape. I pushed past him and closed the door. "I'm truly sorry." I said truthfully. I couldn't believe my stubbornness in saying this. "But I just can't leave you like this."

I took a deep breath in conspicuously and let it out as a sigh so Nathan wouldn't know I was nervous. I closed the front door behind Nathan, took his hand and led him to the living room. I scanned my surroundings and stored them away in my mind.

"Let's just go to my bedroom."

I followed him through a hallway to a bedroom full of karate posters and clothes thrown on the floor. He sits on the bed and turns his full attention to me. "Where's the first aid kit?" I asked.

He points out to the hallway. "It's under my sink in the bathroom. But-"

"Hush." I went to get it and when I came back, I saw that some of the clothes thrown on the floor had disappeared. Internally giggling, I opened the first aid pack and dug around for some cream and bandages.

I finish rubbing the cream into his side and sit up. He was sleeping peacefully. I had forgotten to ask him if I could use his washing machine but that didn't mean I was about to wake him up about it. Maybe I could use it without him minding? Now that I had treated to his injuries, I felt closer to him.

I came to the conclusion that if I did something in return, he wouldn't mind me using his washing machine. I tidied his room without waking Nathan up before walking into the laundry room and dumping my clothes into Nathan's washing machine.

As it was doing its magic, I strode into the kitchen and opened the fridge with a pounding heart. I didn't feel that close to Nathan anymore. It was like the feeling had worn off and I was now feeling its side effects. Still, I steeled myself and put up a confident face. Placing items onto the counter and glancing at them, I deemed it enough to make some soup. I had found chocolate chips in the back of one of the cabinets and decided to make some chocolate chip cookies as dessert.

As the soup was cooking, the oven timer dinged for the cookies. I take them out and check on my clothes in the washing machine. It was almost done.

I hear a grunt and some rustling and I remember Nathan. I slowly open his door and see him with a pained expression on his face. I didn't know how to help him. I closed the door again feeling defeated.

Once the cowboy soup was finished, I took it off the stove and swept the floors as I waited for it to cool down. I placed the cookies in a bag, tied it up, and put it in the fridge. Then, I wrote a message on a sticky note and stuck it on top of the luncheon I put the soup inside. I loaded my clothes into the dryer and started it. I hoped it wouldn't take long. I didn't want to still be here if Nathan woke up or his parents/friends came over.

Nathan's POV:

"Oh Nathan! You've been a very very naughty boy!" I hear Doc's voice coming somewhere from the kitchen. I groan and roll over, regretting it the second I did. Pain shoot ups my side and my body aches. "Why didn't you tell me you had a girl over? Or even better, Why didn't you invite me?!"

"What?" I grunt and stand up painfully and awkwardly. Man, I can't believe those guys beat me up so bad. If Victor hadn't arrived, I'd be dead meat. I arrive in the kitchen where Doc was standing in front of the fridge with his hands on his hips.

"Read this." He gives me a devilish grin and waves a paper at my face.

Dear Nathan,

I hope you get better soon! I also hope you don't mind that I used your washing machine. I had originally came here to ask if I could use yours because the one at home is malfunctioning. If you do mind, I'm extremely sorry. To make up for that, I cooked you some soup for you to feel better and some cookies as a treat afterwards.

Thanks for everything!


Hi! I'm so sorry! I promised that I would update soon and I failed to keep it. But anyway, what do you think?

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