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"Can i be honest with you?" Wren asked Aria looking down and fiddling with his hands nervously. 
"sure" Aria answered in a shaky voice, she stabbed her chopstick into her chow mein noodles. 
Wren cleared his throat "well I might be wrong but I think you are hang up on someone" he now looked up at her.
Aria was surprised by his analysis, it was true but was it really this noticeable? "i guess" she shrugged.
Wren put his hand on her knee "Let me be your friend, truth be, so am I" this earned him a hug from Aria. She pulled away and nodded. Making friends already was a good thing! Even if she was slightly attracted to him, who wouldn't be? she justified. 

There was a minute of silence and Aria and Wren both looked at each other awkwardly,  this was followed by laughter when Wren missed his mouth and the noodle fell onto his lap, he couldn't pick it up with his chopstick which for some reason was really funny. Perhaps Aria just needed a friend at this point and Wren was a good friend material, anything your friend does is much funnier than if a stranger has done it. The rest of the evening was just as amusing. 

We can talk about the trees and all the bees, we can talk about the weather, who knows we could go well together  - Wren read out loud a text Aria received from some dude who went with her on the New york tour a few days ago. "what's wrong with that? at least it rhymes" Wren laughed and handed her phone back, she joined in with the laughter and shook her head not being able to speak properly. 


Jason's Pov

Jason got off the plane, it was routine for him by now, he sometimes has to travel with his father for working purposes. He knows by now how the airports work, where to go, how to get an uber, it was everything he was familiar with, he was anxious anyhow, except for different reasons, or rather one reason - Aria. 

As he gazed through the windows of the taxi taking in all of the city views, which may not be the prettiest but he missed the big apple. Everyone seems to mind their own business here. It might not be the tidiest but it was somewhere Jason wouldn't mind living at all, he loved the fact that there's always something to do here, it's the city that never sleeps. Besides Aria being here is the main reason anyway, the rest just adds up to the awesomeness he decided subconsciously. 

He now stood outside of Aria's block of apartments, he took a deep breathe in and pushed open the door leading to her place. He climbed up the stairs, feeling more and more anxious with every step he took. He found the courage to knock on the door, and he heard laughter coming from inside. He was glad to know that Aria was having a good time, but on the other hand he knew that other people being there might make the conversation a bit harder than expected. 

Jaria happy afterWhere stories live. Discover now