Part 8

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"well you really don't need all of those things Aria" Jason laughed as soon as he noticed Aria's massive backpack.
"we're only going for a day" He added, still amused.
"well, I know but I'd rather be prepared" Aria eagered.
"what ready for a zombie apocalypse??" He couldn't help himself.
"laugh all you want!" aria crossed her arms.
Jason opened the boot and put the massive backpack in, he put his seatbelt on and started the car. Aria gave him a quick kiss as they drove off the driveway and headed towards the motorway.

"Jason I won't be mad at you but please tell me the worried look on your face doesn't mean we're lost" Aria breathed in and out, trying to remain calm.
"well..." Jason squinted his eyes.
After a bit of sighing and laughter, because although they got lost Aria thought Jason's excuses were amusing, he tried saying almost anything but to admit and say that they in fact got lost. Her laugh is infectious, but so is her smile, no wonder he he took the wrong turn off the motorway, he got lost in her eyes... or at least this is what he said it was, not his awful map reading skills. Luckily they had their phones with them, the reception was terrible but they got it to work at last. Suddenly drake hotline bling came on, it was Jason's jam and he was so happy to finally show off his drake impersonation skills. We aced the whole song and felt so proud, Aria just laughed the whole way through. It was moments like that lead them both to believe that they were maybe not falling for each other, because they were always in love to begin with. They feel so comfortable around one another as if they knew each other their whole lives and they both hoped it won't change at all costs.

you have arrived - bleeped google maps on Aria's phone.
"so where to now?" asked curious Aria. Jason stretched his arm to reach a notepad from his back seat. Inside the notepad was a carefully planned schedule of how their day should go. And it did go as planned. They had blueberry waffles at a cozy old desserts place which was a family business for years and the owner was Jason's mum friend, and although Aria is not usually a fan of meeting people once they go out on a date, that lady was real sweetheart, and gave them a few white chip chocolate on the go for the road, and it was one of the greatest things they have tasted they both agreed. Then they went to an art show, Aria was thrilled to see some tile work placed on a canvas with vivid colours and cosmic themes of sheets hanging on the ceiling. She could tell Jason wasn't as amazed by the artwork as she was but he still contributed from time to time, trying to sound inspirational and knowledgeable. Aria found it adorable cute, she was a geek for artwork but the biggest masterpiece at this show must have been Jason's face, his lean yet broad shoulders and his green eyes staring back at her, she kept thinking.

After the show they decided to go for a walk in the woods. it was getting a bit chilly so Jason handed her his jumper he had tied around his waist earlier. She wanted to say no, after all she had about 3 spare jumpers and sweaters she took with her that would go with her outfit all she had to do is go back to the car, but on the other hand it smelt like him, so it was pretty much a no brainer. As they kept walking through the woods Aria felt a bit uneasy. Jason kept looking at the map as instructed by her but something just didn't seem right.

"okay but we really did walk past this pile of logs earlier" he said unsure.
"please don't tell me we're lost again" Aria yelped slightly freaked out.
"i wouldn't go as far as lost" jason shook his head.
"okay in that case please tell me there isn't any bears" her upper lip trembled with fear.
"I wouldn't go as far... I'm only joking, I.." he stopped midsentence and jogged towards a big bush.
" i know where we are!" he called and Aria breathed out in relief.

"it's beautiful" Aria gazed at what was hiding behind the bush. It was a lovely landscape. They could see a mountain top in the distance, it was starting to get foggy, but Aria chose to believe that it was clouds, her immediate reaction was to snap a picture, they even posed together. Did they really just take their first picture together? Does that mean they were going to make it official. They haven't said a word for a few minutes and just stood there, Jason embracing Aria in his arms and Aria leaning on his shoulder, she felt safe, for once in many years she couldn't, not with A in the picture, but at this moment she felt safe and at peace. She wounded her arms around his neck and pulled him downwards for a kiss. She bit her lip just before kissing him. The kiss was slow and intense, to an outsider it probably looked like a scene taken out of a movie.

Jaria happy afterWhere stories live. Discover now