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As the evening went on, they discussed all sort of things, relieved their childhoods and without telling each other planned what they'd like their next dates to be like. Jason was hung up on every word that came out of Aria's mouth, he could sit there and listen to her forever, he kept thinking. Yet aria couldn't shake the need of brushing her fingers through his golden hair, damn he looks good she kept thinking.
"you know what I love about you?" aria smiled, and then frowned at herself, did she really just use the word love? She can only hope he doesn't take it the wrong way and thinks she's obsessed with him. Jason didn't say anything he just looked her in the eyes and cracked a tiny grimace, showing her he wants to hear the answer.
"its just that the past couple of years I haven't met a person who knew about A, so every friendship i had felt like a masquerade, and whoever knew, would investigate me about it, but you... you're different, you haven't even mentioned it once this evening." Aria's words flowing out of her.
"well I think you're interesting without the fatal A plot story in your life, plus I don't want to talk about it myself and i figured you wouldn't either." Jason said like it was an obvious thing.
"guys we're closing down" announced the waitress waiting for them to leave.
They soon got up and got ready to leave but by no means they did not want this date to end. 

"so please say you want me to walk you back home" Jason begged. 
"If you insist" chuckled Aria. 
"well i would of anyway because i'm a gentleman like that besides your friends would kill me if anything happened to you" he joked. 
"i mean alison can be pretty intimidating... speaking of, did you tell her?" she asked. 
"tell her what?" jason asked confused. 
"about us meeting up" aria was unsure if she should be asking him this, after all she hasn't told any of her friends, nor her mum, so why would Jason tell Alison? 
"ohh no i haven't i didn't know if you'd like that" Jason answered, he wasn't sure whether he was supposed to say yes or no, but it just felt so right talking to aria for all those hours, lying or playing games with her is the last thing he wanted to do. Aria sigh is relief and just looked at him as they started walking towards her house. 
"i don't know your girl ways I don't..." he paused to aria putting her hand on his face. 
"you have a little..." she stopped herself and took her hand off of jasons face. 
"i may be totally out of line but..." Jason said in a gravelly voice. 
"jason what..." she got interupted by jasons lips slamming against hers. She automatically shuts her eyes and kisses him back. His lips are soft and gentle, not what she expected, although he looks like a tough guy and tries to act like one, he kissed like a kindred cinnamon roll. 
His big hands were on the sides of her face, her hands were in his hair and on his broad shoulders.
He broke the kiss "wow" 
Aria slowly opened her eyes "i know"

Jaria happy afterWhere stories live. Discover now