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"okay but what do you mean you're moving to New York" Alison said as she rubbed her forehead.
Jason just gave his younger sister a sympathetic hug and continued packing his bags. He kept rushing through his room, getting things from shelves and under his bed even. Alison watched him carefully, trying to comprehend what his brothers intentions were, although they were pretty obvious. 
Jason stood right next to her and asked her to move as he wanted to get something out of his desk's drawer, "but when is your flight? Does dad know?" she asked not shifting as he ordered. Jason places his hands round her shoulders and moved her himself. Slightly frustrated by her brother dismissing her questions she crossed her arms and sigh loudly. 

Jason shook his head "what? It's in 2 hours, I'll be back in a couple of days so I can tell dad then." he explained sitting down on his bag to push it down and zip it up. He lifted his bag up and took his wallet with him. He looked round his room one last time to make sure he has everything right before he stepped out through the door. Ali followed right behind him. 

"ohh and Aria doesn't know, so don't tell her!" Jason exclaimed as he left the house, he was about to get into the taxi but he noticed Alison waving at him from the front porch and what looked like wiping her tears away. He dropped his bags on the ground in front of the taxi. The taxi driver lifted his arms up in disbelief and went on putting them in the boot, meanwhile Jason ran towards Alison and cuddled her to say goodbye. 
"you take care little sis" he winked at her. She laughed quickly, she thought Jason was acting crazy, it's not like him to make impulse decisions like this. 
" you go and get her" she poked his arm gently as they parted. 


Aria Pov

Aria just returned to her small apartment in New York. She headed straight for the bed and indulged herself in the fresh smell of linen. She laid on the bed going through everything that has happened today. First of all she explored her new Working place, she was unable to describe it in one word even if she wanted to. It was filled with a mixture of hipsters and what appeared to be really fashionable people who made her feel insecure. It was rather excited than anything else, she could get used to the hot chocolate machine particularly. Even if she was having a bad day she felt she could always have a friendly or not so friendly chat with Wren. He was definitely something to look forwards to. 

Aria's phone beeped, she rolled over to the other side of the bed to reach the phone which was charging on the bedside table. 

I am so terribly sorry, I forgot to get you to sign this one thing, my dad will kill me if he finds out!! :o      - Wren 

Aria unplugged the charger in order to reply. 
do you want me to come back and do it? ;) 

A few seconds later came a reply: 
I honestly don't wanna trouble you, it'll only take a second I could come round yours on my way back home? x 

Aria smiled, she wasn't sure why it didn't mean anything but she liked the idea of somebody being interested in her. She was dwelling about Jason but perhaps Wren was a much needed distraction she thought to herself. She promised herself it won't mean anything, it did not stop her from feeling digity about hearing him say her name with a British accent. 

A couple of hours later A doorbell rang, and she jumped of the bed and shut her laptop in one swift move. She was scrolling through pinterest and just repinning some cool art pieces onto her board, she repinned a few pictures of food too. You never realise how hungry you are until you see something delicious. 

Wren assembled the papers all on the kitchen counter as the space in her apartment was limited, just like in the rest of the big apple. Aria read through all of the paperwork although Wren explained it to her fairly well as it was. She signed all of the papers and Wren but them all back together into his expensive Fendi briefcase. He started to head towards the front door, Aria was a bit disappointed actually. 

"wait ummm do you know any good take away's?" she asked in efforts to grab his attention. Wren turned around with a massive smile on his face. He was glad to help and he started to list a few places worth mentioning from the top of his head. Aria decided on one of the places and offered for Wren to stay, to which he agreed to without any hesitation. 

Jaria happy afterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora