Games and Goodbyes.

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*Sukoshi's POV*

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my door.

"Go away." I yelled burying myself in my blankets.

"Sukoshi, please open the door." Wire sighed.

I scooted off of my bed and slowly walked to the door.

"What do you want?" I mumbled.

"I want to talk." he laughed.

"Is it just you?" I asked.

"Yeah, why don't you open the door, you know I don't like to talk this much." he sighed.

"Okay, but only for you. No one else." I sighed before unlocking my door and letting Wire in my room before closing and locking it again.

"I just want to talk to you about the others." he sighed sitting on the bed.

"Okay, what did you want to say?" I mumbled standing next to him playing with my fingers.

"Come here." he laughed picking me up and putting me on the bed next to him.

"I wanted to tell you that I think you should apologize to them for saying you hate them. They're stupid, but they were trying to help you and Dragon get along. They thought that was the best way to do it. You can tell they all feel bad about it, they're moping around on the deck." he said

"I don't want to forgive them. They knew I hated the cuffs and they forced me to wear them to try to make me get along with an old man that not only made fun of my dead family members, but also hit me, not once but twice. I don't want to face them for a while, I just feel so betrayed. I feel bad for saying I hate them but I don't want to apologize to them right now. They deserve to feel like shit. That was the stupidest plan ever, I just want to forget about the past but everything I do lately makes me think about it more and more. I wanted to distract myself from my thoughts and memories but I constantly dream about what happened when my family died and I don't know how to get over it. I'm so pissed at them because they made me remember what it was like back then. How weak I was and how I couldn't do anything but scream and cry. I never wanted to feel like that again and the people I trusted the most were the cause of those feelings. How am I supposed to forgive them?" I cried.

"I know it's hard to forgive them but they care about you a lot. They would never intentionally betray you. That's why I want you to apologize to them. I know you're angry and sad but you need to look past that. Try to think about it from their point of view, you and Dragon are very important to them and you two despise each other. Every time you two see each other, you start arguing and fighting. He doesn't trust you with his son so he refuses to leave, then there's you. You're stubborn and have a foul mouth like Captain Kid, so you argue with him instead of ignoring him like everyone else does. Both you and Dragon are quick to start fights and have trust issues, that's why it was so hard to get you two to come to an understanding with each other. They needed to make you both have a conversation without fighting. They probably used the cuffs because they knew it would make you both weaker and you wouldn't be able to kill each other with your devil fruits. I don't think they even thought about your past at all. They're all idiots, but they love you more than anything else in the world." he whispered running his hand through my hair after he pulled me onto his lap and let me cry on his chest.

"H-How do you know that?" I sniffled looking up at him.

"Because, before you told us about why you don't like the cuffs, I didn't think it was that bad of a plan. I figured they probably thought that way because they were desperate to get you two to like each other." he smiled wiping the tears off of my face.

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