Maybe Even Friends...Eventually

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*Third POV*

While Sukoshi was with the Kid Pirates on their ship and Dragon was sound asleep in Luffy's room, everyone else was in the kitchen and dining room listening to Luffy tell them about Shanks' devious plan.

"Okay....So that's the plan." Luffy smiled at everyone.

"Luffy, are you sure this is going to work?" Usopp asked nervously.

"Yeah, what could possibly go wrong?" he laughed.

"Are you kidding me? She hates him, she would hate everything about this plan, why would you do that. She's going to hate all of us." Nami snapped dramatically.

"No she won't Nami, calm down. Mihawk, go get Sukoshi." Luffy ordered.

"You can't order me around, I'm not part of your crew." he snapped.

"Do you wanna be?" he smiled.

"No. I do agree that something has to be done about those two, but I don't think the way you're handling this is the right way. Especially if you're taking advice from the crippled idiot. But you need to learn from your mistakes so I'll let it play out. Where is she?" he sighed.

"She was looking for Kid on his ship last I saw her." Franky shrugged.

"Okay." he sighed walking onto the deck.

*Mihawk's POV*

I walked over to the Kid Pirates ship and scanned the deck for them but couldn't find anyone there.

'I guess I'll look around for her, she has to be here somewhere.' I thought as I boarded their ship.

I walked around the ship not finding anyone so I decided to check inside. I walked down the stairs and into the door at the bottom. Walking down a hallway I stopped and opened every door, looking inside for Sukoshi. When I reached the middle of the hall, I opened a door on my right. Sukoshi was curled up in Kids arms as they slept soundly on his bed. Killer was asleep in a chair and next to him Wire and Heat slept on separate ends of a couch.

I cleared my throat causing Kid to open his eyes.

"What the fuck do you want? Why the hell are you on my ship?" he growled

"Luffy wants to see Sukoshi." I shrugged.

"Fine, but you're gonna have to fucking carry her, I'm not waking her up." he sighed picking her up and walking over to me.

"What's going on captain?" the other three asked opening their eyes.

"I don't know, Strawhat wants to talk to her about something. It's probably fucking stupid, Strawhat's an idiot." he grumbled as I took Sukoshi from his arms and headed back to the Strawhat's ship.

*Luffy's POV*

Sabo took a pair of sea prism stone cuffs from Garp, so Garp went back to his ship to grab another pair. We walked into my room and saw Dragon sleeping against the wall. Sabo put his hand up and counted to three with his fingers before I quickly grabbed Dragons hands and held them together allowing Sabo to put the cuffs on him within a fraction of a second. When the cuffs clicked on Dragon's eyes snapped open.

"Sabo. What the hell are you doing?" he growled.

"It's for your own good, you brought this on yourself. You need to learn to get along with people and this is the only way we can make sure neither of you hurt each other." he shrugged.

Not long after Zoro came in with Mihawk. Mihawk set Sukoshi down on my bed and Garp came in with another pair of cuffs.

"I'm not putting those on her." Zoro said.

Survival Of The Flower (Sequel to The Danger of the Flower)Where stories live. Discover now