Hey there!

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I thought I would try something else that's new. One where One Direction adopts a little girl! ^^ Summary down below will explain it mope I hope.

Summary: Harry Edward Styles, the one and only curly haired British flirt from One Direction, lives in a world where hybrids exist and are slaves to people. He thinks it's sick and the others in the band agree with him. So, when he's running from screaming fans and decides to hide in Orphanage/Pet Shop, something, or should I say someone, catches his eye. When he see's her, he feels something special with her. So, what else can he do but ask the lads if they can adopt her?

Oh! Before I forget! I'm gonna make the boys a little younger in this FanFiction! Ages below for the prologue.

Sorry if you don't like it! Enjoy the story!

Ciao, lovelies.

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