Chapter One Half of My Life

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Ava's P.o.V

"SHAKIRA!" I yelled from the top of the steps. My bestie was In the kitchen, which was at the bottom of the steps, down the hallway, to the right. But, because of how loud I shouted, there was no way she didn't hear me.

"WHATAYA WANT?" She yelled back.


She came up the stairs, hey hair flying everywhere. "Oh yay," she said unenthusiastically. "the prodigal son returns." She had a history with Chord that you should know about. They used to date until they both got separate lives. Then he broke it off and she's still mad at him for it.

Oh yeah! There's also one more thing. Shakira and I speak Spanish back and forth. It's my second language so...yeah. (I don't know any Spanish so I'm just gonna let you know when they speak it)

We continued the conversations in Spanish, "'I know you're mad at him, but be nice!'"

"'Theres nothing to be nice about!'" She argued.

"'I know you still love him-'"

"'I do not!'"

"'Whatever, just be nice'"


Then we switched back to English. (When I do the three quotation marks, that means they're talking in Spanish)


*Next day*

"CHORD!" I yelled, giving him a gigantic hug as he walked through the door.

"Hey, lil' sis! How's my favorite sister?"

"You mean your only sister?"

"Or you could say that! But anyway how are you?"

"I'm good! Oh my God! I'm so excited that you're home for two months! In time for my birthday!"

"Yeah! Oh, hey, Shakira!" He said, pulling her in for a hug.


He sighed, obviously annoyed she's not over him. "Ava, I have a little surprise for you!"

"Oh God, this can't be good..." I groaned.

"In two weeks-" he was cut off by Mom and Dad walking in and giving him tight hugs and bombarding him with questions. "Mom, Dad, can I finish speaking to my sister?"

"Yes, yes, of course," Mom said sloppily.

I smiled as he turned to me, "In two weeks, Nash's band is coming here to the house. They all wanna meet you!"

I brought my hand to my mouth in attempt to hold back from screaming at Chord. They might wanna meet me, but I sure as hell didn't wanna meet the people who took over my brother's life. "I-Uh-they are? I mean, uh, great. Cool. Awesome. Good. I'll just...make sure I'm outta the house when they come!" I said cheerily.

"No! Ava, you're the reason they wanna come."

"I am?"

"Yes! You have to be here!"

"Ugh! Fine. But don't expect me to be nice."

"That's my girl."

I grabbed Shakira's hand and dragged her upstairs, wanting to give Chord and my parents some quality time.


I had to wake up at 6:30 monday morning because I have a job at Burton's Café. It's a temporary job until I can find work somewhere else. The Café's small, but it gets good business, it's just not very fun.

"Hey, Lauren," I greeted my friend as I walked in. We weren't great friends but we knew each other.

"Hey, Ava!" She greeted back. Every one of the employes is nice, except for one. There's always that one bitch. Her name is Chelesa. Ironic how her nickname is Chelle. Figures. Hot Chelle Rae ARE the bitches that stole my brother. (I love Hot Chelle Rae so don't hate me. They're the best band everrrrrrr in my opinion)

"Hey, Chelle," I said in an unfriendly tone.

"Hello, slut," she sneered.

"Takes one to know one," I answered. She rolled her eyes.

"Why don't you do what you do best and shut the hell up!"

"How long have you been waiting to use that one?" I asked. She didn't respond, she just proceeded on cleaning the table she was wiping.

I took a few orders, most of the people were regulars but there were a few new customers. I greeted them all with pleasant smiles and asking how they were doing and all that good shit. But there were these two teenage girls that were talking about Hot Chelle Rae coming to Tenessee, where we live. Nashville. I rolled my eyes, but greeted them the same.


*One and a half weeks later*

HCR comes in 4 days. Ugh. This is gonna be impossible. I'm thinking of calling them Hot Chilli Rae just to annoy them. And hopefully they'll be annoyed by it.

I don't have very much more to tell for now. Anyway, I just hope HCR won't be a total disaster. So this is half of my life.


Did you like it? I hope you did! ;)

Love you all! Xoxo!


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