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I take a better look around the room. It's not empty like I thought, there is a bed, a desk and chair and a small TV set. I have been sitting her for what feels like eternity when I hear voices out side the wall. I take the chair and pull it under the window to see if there was someone out there. I was right! I see two girls and a guy. I bang I. The window and scream. I wave me hands and hope they see me. I got one of the girls attention, she tells her friends and they look too. I point to the door and they hold up a finger telling me to wait a moment as they take the phone and the guy runs to the door. Thank God! Moments later I hear the down stairs door open. I go to the door and scream.

"Help! Help! In here!"

"Stand back!" I do as he say and stand back. Seconds later the door was busted down. "Brooklynn? Let's go!" I realize that we go to the same school and we have Geometry together. He takes my hand and we run downstairs.

"Be careful Robby! The dark one is who kidnapped me."

"Okay, let's go.." He said with no fear. We get outside to see the two girls. I don't recognize them.

"We called all the Alphas in the state" they say.

"Thank you.. We have to get going the dark one will be here soon." I told them as we all ran toward the street. They all shift and I jump on Robbys back. We run back to our grounds since Robby knew I was the Alphas daughter.

"Brook!" I turn and see Savannah and Andy running towards me. "Your parents know they went looking for you."

"Savannah mind link my parents tell them I'll meet them at the house. We have some evil to get rid of."

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