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I sit in my room just thinking what just happened moments ago. Why is he act like this? Is it a joke? Is he going to go and poke fun of what I think, thought, we could be a serious thing? I have a feeling that I can trust him, I always have and when he would poke fun of me calling me a freak I felt like crap.. It was worse when he did it. When Savannah would I would roll it off as if it were nothing. I get off my bed and open the window letting the cool air hit me and I hear howling I couldn't help but to smile... I mean Alex, the boy I had a crush on since pre K, likes me. I do t know if I should trust my instincts or push them away. Maybe keeping my feelings inside and not letting them come out is a good idea? But what if he really does like me and wants to be together? It is very difficult not having a wolf to talk to sometimes, I'm just a normal human. Human.

"Hey" Angel said laying down on my bed. I smile. She is like an older sister, always here when I need her. "What's on your mind?" She asked smiling.

"Well.. Do you remember Alex? The betas son?" And from there I told her everything. How I felt, why I felt like that, the kiss and oddly I even told her about the panic that happened in the kitchen. Her eyes got big when I told her that part, it is scary though. " what should do?" I ask her.

"I say go for it.  I mean think about it, it happened for a reason." She told me. I nod my head and kinda smile to myself. She tells me about what's going on with her and how she found her mate but he didn't really know about taking the roll of the moon goddesses daughters mate. He thinks that when the moon goddess dies he has to take the responsibility but it's Angel who does. "But im telling him he has nothing to worry about and I think he is slowly accepting it."

"That's great!" I say hugging her.

"I have to get going though.."

"Okay cya" I tell her and poof she's gone. It's cool she can do that I wish I could. I brush my teeth and get ready for bed..

I left her house and moments later I ran to the back of her house in my grey wolf. The girl I picked on since freshman year is my mate... I don't think she knew and I don't want to just tell her. I was happy when I found my mate and I wouldn't want someone to just tell me who she is. I mean... I loved the feeling when I say her beautiful brown eyes. It took so much self control to not mark her on the spot, thinking about marking her mad me happy. It made me howl. My wolf loved it. I look up and see she opens her window, I hope she didn't get sick. It's pretty cold for her, a human... I watch her every move. The way her lips curl when she smiles, the way her brown eyes sparkle in the moon light, the way she breathes in the fresh cool air.

'Son come home. It's getting late.' My dad mind links me.

'I'll be there in 5' I tell him and take another glance up at her window to see her turn away and close the window..

When I return home I see my mom in the kitchen picking up a few things and my dad was talking to her.. I need to tell them, they are gunna be so happy for me and future daughter in law.

"Guys?" I say in a serious tone. They both look at me.

"What's wrong son?" Dad asked. Mom looked at me and put her hand on my arm.

"I found my mate.." I say with a true smile. My mom gasps and start to cry and my dad can and gave me a bro hug.

"Who is she?" My mom asked me

"The alphas daughter.." I said remembering the way she moved In The twins room putting them to bed, the way her hair flew off her shoulders. Her sent hit me hard there, cherry vanilla with a pinch of flowers and chocolate.. She smells so sweet. I close my eyes and remember her sent when she opened the door, she was shocked and I was too.

"Well?" Mom asked.

"I'm sorry mom, what?" I ask scratching the back of my neck.

"Did. You. Mark. Her.?" Mom asked and I chocked on air. "I'll take that as a no. Well come on.." She said getting her keys. What?

"Mom, mom! I didn't tell her she is my mate. I want her to find out in her own, but we are together." I tell her.

"So no pups anytime soon?" She asked sadly.

"Sorry mom.." I told her

"I'm proud of you son, you are mated to an Alphas daughter and that means you will be Alpha on day." He told me. I smiled, he's right! I will be Alpha and I will rule this pack! I can't believe that...

"I just hope that she finds out soon, dad. I want her so bad, maybe it's my wolf?" I try blaming him but we all know it's me.

"Sure it is. " my mom winks at me. I can't believe her sometimes but I lover her dearly. "Hey! You have school in the morning!" She takes the news paper and rolls it up.. Crap.. She walks towards me.. Crap.. She started hitting me with it. I can help but to laugh, but I go up stairs and brush my teeth and undress and get into bed.. I lay in my bed but I can't help but wish she was right by me. I want her back against  my chest and my arms draped around her perfect body. I want her to be the first person I see in the morning, I want to hold her and never let her go...

Next day

I wake up from little to know sleep. I just couldn't stop thinking about Alex. Is this what it's like to have a crush? I don't know if I like that... I jump in the shower and think of all the negative things that will happen to me at school if people find out I like Alex or that we kissed.

I won't let them find out.

I get out dry my hair and body and apply light makeup. When I'm done I grab my baby pink bath robe and put it on. Now what to ware?

After looking for about 5 minutes I pick out a grey over size sweater, black leggings, a pink scarf , and I pull out my ugg boots. I put it all on and run downstairs and make me a coffee. I take my coffee and tell my parents bye and head off to school..bum happily drinking my coffee and walking when a black car pulls up. I kinda stop but thought better not  walking faster I hear a car door slam and I flip! When a hand grabbed me from behind I did the only thing I thought off..

Throwing my cup of coffee, cup included, at my attacker.

"What the hell?!" Alex screamed. I can't believe I just did that.

"Ohmygosh I am so sorry! I didn't know it was you! I thought that if a creepy black car just pulls up next to you, you run and then you got out and it scared me! Then you grab me and I thought I was gunna get TAKEN!" I say fast trying to explain my self.

"It's okay, cupcake. I have clothes in my car, see come here." I follow and see he really does have clothes back there he looked at what I was wearing and picked out a grey shirt. Wow.. We match.. "Now, come on." He said opening the passenger Side door.

"Uh.. I rather walk.." I said and picked up my, now empty, coffee cup... I really wanted that..

"What? I don't think so darling." He said taking my hand.

"Stop! I do t think we should be seeing each other!" I screamed. I didn't mean it at all... The look in his face broke my heart but, it may sound selfish, but I need to protect myself at this school. "We.. Shouldn't.. There shouldn't even be a we. I don't know why all the sudden you want a we but there can't so just... Leave." I told him. He was sad but now he just like Ike's mad?

"You are coming like it or not. Now we can do this the hard way or the easy way. Get in my car so I can take you to school like a normal boyfriend." He said.

"I'm not your girlfriend." He stepped closer to me. I did t want to show fear so I stood my ground. Big mistake.

"Yes, cupcake, you are." And then he picked me up and put me in his car like a child...

I'm just tied of getting picked on...

End of chapter 3 hope you like


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