Eren x Reader ~Night Sky~

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||Night Sky||

Modern AU

(A/N): For those of you who celebrate it, Happy Valentines Day! If you don't have a valentine, I will be your valentine.☆

Note: rlly short but sweet

Warning: contains explicit language


You step cautiously up the step, nearly losing your balance and falling backwards. Good thing Eren Jäeger is there to catch you, otherwise you would have had a broken back until next Valentine's Day.

"Jesus, be careful (Name)," his hand sets itself on the small of your back, guiding you upwards into the apartment.

"Take this damn blindfold off of me then," you retort, stepping forward and finally feeling the uncleansed carpet of his new apartment.
"No! It'll ruin the surprise!"

He guides you into the living room, stepping in front of you and running to the other side of the room. You hear loud shuffling, and things falling against the floor.
"What are you doing? Can I take this off now?"
"No! And..just wait one damn second."
You hear more shuffling, and then his footsteps coming closer toward you. He encloses his hands atop yours, bringing them to his chest, pulling your head against his collarbone.

You stand there, awkwardly, with the blindfold beginning to loosen around your eyes. You inhale his scent, it consisting heavy douses of cologne and dirty socks.
"You know I would have been happy if we just watched 'Dear John' and ate pizza all night, right?"
"Shutup. That movie is stupid and cheesy anyway."
"Isn't this cheesy though?"

He steps back and reaches his hands around you, reaching for the area where the knot meets the rest of the blindfold. He pulls one part of the cloth and the whole thing comes undone, but all you're met with is his chest. He leans down, pecking your forehead, and moves out of the way.

Rose petals dance across the floor, being scattered everywhere. A large teddy bear sits in the corner, accompanied with boxes and carnations in wrapping.
You grin, looking around.

"You don't even have a couch in here and you did all this?"
He slaps your arm playfully, smiling shyly.

You bend down, plucking one of the petals off of the floor. You bring it to your lips, feeling the feathery material skitter across the bottom, and inhale the strong scent of fresh roses.
"These are real?" You ask in disbelief, looking back up at him.
"Of course they're real, stupid."

You smile, continuing on to the corner which holds bunches of gifts.

"God," you breathe, "They're so beautiful."
You hold up the wrapped carnations, being able to smell them already. They're white roses that have splashes of pink on them.
You move to the teddy bear, picking it up, examining it.

"This is huge, Eren. Where did you get this?"
"Costco," he grins stupidly. "Fat-ass Jean helped me."
"Would you quit insulting him every time his name comes up?"
"What? You like him or somethin'?"

You groan, not wanting to start an argument with him on Valentine's Day. He's always looking to pick fights with you whenever you defend or mention Jean Kirchenstein. It's annoying, but you brush it off anyway.

"No, I don't," you roll your eyes, stepping on Eren's feet. You step on your tip-toes, pecking him on the cheek. "I like you."

"Yeah, right," he mumbles as you go back over to the corner.

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