ReinerxReader ~Where Them Girls At~

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Modern, Beach AU

||Where Them Girls At?||

Disclaimer:I do not own lyrics

Key: [y/n]: Your Number [o/f/c]: other favorite color


Ahh, the beach.

What a wonderful place to be on a hot summer day.

Out in the sun, on the water. Cool margaritas. And sweet, oh so hot girls.

I wiggle my eyebrows when the thought comes to me as I stuff another towel for Bert in my bag.

"Reiner, we don't have another towel!" I hear him call in slight panic from the bathroom.

That guy can never keep a nerve.

"Its okay bro," I call back, "I got you."

He smiles brightly. "Thanks, you saved my life!"

I chuckle and jokingly say, "Why, because I had an extra towel?"

I walk out my door past him and gesture for him to follow.

"C'mon, we gotta go. These are the hours the babes are usually there."

Bertl shakes his head and laughs. "And you wonder why you can never keep a girlfriend."

"Why?" I raise a brow as we step onto the hot sidewalk that leads to the beach.

"Because every girl to you is just a piece of meat," he simply states.

"What?!" I exclaim. "Not true dude!"

"Is so," he repeats and begins to walk faster.

"Aye Bert, wait up!" I call from behind him.

That beanstalk can walk pretty darn fast.

So many girls in here; where do I begin?

Wow, there's so many of 'em today.

All in range of colors too.

Striped bikinis, ones that barely show anything, one pieces that still make they're body look good.

My smirk turns into a grin as I look way across and see a certain one.

I think she's by far the most prettiest.

Her [h/t] [h/c] flows in the wind as she runs around, tossing a bright colored beach ball around. Her [e/c] sparkle with excitement and giddiness. She's wearing a [f/c] swim suit. It looks very good on her; fits her body perfectly. Even with the [o/f/c] shorts she's wearing over the bottom half, it still covers her curves beautifully.

I take my glasses off as if it'll give me more of an ability to study her better, showing the tall boy standing next to me that I've found one.

I see this one, I'm bought to go in.

"Found one you like?" He simply asks beside me.

"Yep," I say, a grin mixed with a smirk evident in my voice.

"Reiner," he suddenly says sternly.

I look up at him this time, shielding my eyes from the bright ass sun. "Yeah?"

"Don't break anymore hearts, okay?" And with that, he pats my shoulder, and walks off to a girl with blonde hair and big blue eyes. And a big nose too. I recognize her, but its not clicking right away. Wait, does my best friend have a girlfriend and isn't telling me?! Asshole..

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