JeanxReader ~Love Me A Little Bit Harder~

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Modern AU

Disclaimer:I do not own the lyrics

Warning: Sexual Content is indicated


Jean taps his fingers on his steering wheel, listening happily to {Insert Music}.

The thing he's most happy about, though, is seeing {Insert Name}.

He's had a few long months, being on his business trip and all. And he can't wait to see his Fiance.

He couldn't bare the lonely nights without her, the empty feeling beside him in his hotel bed every night. He almost flew home, all the way from {Insert Country}. He was so close-had all his stuff packed, everything-but his boss, Levi Ackerman, called and told {Insert Name} what he was doing. So {Insert Name} had called Jean and immediately told him to stay put-a potential promotion was on the line for him. Plus they both needed the money; what was he to think when {Insert Name} told him a baby would be on the way for the both of them?

So without her actually telling him, she convinced him to stay.

Now, finally, he gets to come home. He's been driving for 8 hours and is ready to kiss his fiance, collapse on his bed, and let her give him a very deserving massage.

About 45 minutes later, he pulls into their driveway and walks up the path to their shared home. He takes out the keys from his back pocket and begins fumbling with them, trying to unlock the door.

He finally gets it open and steps in.

To his surprise,everything is dark. Only few candles are lit.

Power outage? He thinks. Odd..

He sets his briefcase down on the counter and looks around. He notices that the candles actually make a path.

Down the counter, into a bowl..

He walks to it and looks inside; strawberries and other assorted fruits covered in chocolate are set inside.

He loves when she makes these. He takes one, and plops it in his mouth.

He looks over at another candle, trying to figure this out.

Did {Name} make this to be intentional?

He follows the 'path' down the hallway, into...

Their room.

A smirk earns its way onto his face, realizing what she must be doing.

Maybe it leads inside their bathroom, where they both can take a bath together and he can relax.

He puts his hand on the doorknob and opens it.

His eyes widen as he sees what is laid out in front of him.

The smell of rose petals immediately waft through his nose. {Insert Name} lay on the bed in a sexy position, lingerie covering only few parts of her {Insert Body Type}. She knows he loves the color red, so that's what she wears: a red lacy bra and red panties.

Jean smirks and blushes at the same time, taking in the sight in front of him.

He's seen his fiancee before, just not ever like..this.

"Jean!" she exclaims softly, "You're home."

He smiles, having been wanting to see his fiance for a long time and now finally seeing her.

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