LevixReader ~Put It On Me~

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Modern AU

||Put It On Me||

Disclaimer:Lyrics don't belong to Me

Warning: Sexual Content will be indicated


I watch as a puff of pure gray smoke exits Levi's mouth, touching his beautiful lips in the process. The cloud of smoke seems to take a certain route up into the air, going this way and that every time he exhales a fume.

"Levi," I say quietly, turning to him, "How many times have I told you not to smoke?"

He turns to look at me, but only for a brief second.

"And how many times have I told you I can do whatever the fuck I want?" He retorts back coldly.

I sigh and turn to look at the busy road beneath us.

We sit on our balcony, just enjoying the days fogginess.

An incoming storm is heading to (City). I really like the feeling of the musty air before I rainstorm happens, so Levi and I just sit.

I watch the huge, puffy gray clouds pass overhead. While Levi smokes a pack of cigarettes.

I don't appreciate that he does, but he doesn't appreciate me telling him he can't.

"You know I can die from second-hand smoking, right?" I inform him, not turning to look at him.

Levi sighs heavily before reaching over to the balcony's edge and slamming his cigarette against it.

"There, you happy?" He asks without making eye contact with me.

I smile and look over at him, "Yes, thank you.."

He gets up and opens the patio door. He pokes his head back to look at me before he fully steps in.

"You coming?" he asks.

I nod and get up as well, shutting the patio door behind us.

In a sudden swift motion, Levi sweeps me off my feet and carriers me to our bedroom.

"Levi, what are you doing?" I giggle.

He smirks down at me and throws me on our bed. He plops himself down next to me.

"I've been craving you, (Name)," he tells me, his gray eyes similar to the clouds outside; rumbling with passion and anticipation and excitement.

"Oh really?" I say, smirking.

As I roll myself on top of him and straddle his hips as he sits up, he answers with "Yes."

In bed, stay in bed,
The feeling of your skin locked in my head
Smoke smoke me broke
I don't care, I'm down for what you want

Our eyes search one another's; his steel ones filled with lust and my (Eye Color) ones filled with passion-both combining together to create the most love we've both ever felt.

We inch closer and closer until our lips finally meet. They seem to begin to do their own thing at their own accord. His small nose brushes against mine as I tilt my heads slightly to the left and he tilts his to the right. His chapped lips move against mine firmly, yet softly. His breath has the stench of cigarette smoke. As I pull away, the extra skin on his chapped lips sticks to mine, as if they don't want me to pull away.

Shingeki No OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora