LevixReader ~Not In Love With Her~

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||Not In Love With Her||

(A/N): I kmOW I just made a Levi one but I couldn't help myself pls request other characters u guys want

Note: I don't even know if I know how to write fluff anymore I've been writing so much angst fuck


Erwin sighs at his friend, setting his hand atop the shifting stick. He continues to look forward out of the windshield as Levi piles in, throwing his bags in the back.

"You did it again, didn't you?"

The sound of the window-wipers wiping the puddles off of the windshield is all that sounds, the rain only a sprinkle.
Levi watches them go back and forth.

"Yeah," he whispers. "I did."

"How bad is it?"
"Pretty bad."
"Can you fix it?"

He almost says yes, 'yeah I can fix it.' But can he? It's always been like that. Argue immensely, stay a few with Erwin, go back, apologize, and kiss. That's all it's ever been. You've always said, 'don't you even think about coming back'. Always those words. But what about now? This is the 6th time this month; he's been counting. Are you tired of him this time? Is this the final time?

Erwin, expecting to hear a yes or see a nod, is thrown aback when he hears

"I don't know."
Tears silently stream down his face, his hand resting against his mouth. He looks out the opposite window, staring up at your apartment patio.
"I don't know this time, Erwin."
His voice wavers, and finally cracks. He's never thought about crying in front of his best friend, but he does. His whimpers are short, his body tensing up, trying its best to not quiver.

"Go back up there," after a long silence, Erwin's deep voice resonates through the car. "Go back up there and apologize."

"Erwin, I can't—"

"Enough of that," he snaps. "I'm tired of this. I'm tired of picking you up every 2 weeks to hear you whine and complain about your relationship," Erwin turns in his seat, staring at Levi, trying to find his avoiding eye contact. "You're both my very good friends, you know that. I can't keep sitting here, watching you both tear each other apart."

He grips Levi's shoulder, the smaller man turning in his seat to face the larger one.

"Listen Levi," Erwin shakes him, forcing Levi to look at him. "Listen to me.

"If you yell at her constantly, and don't regret it immediately afterwards each time, you're not in love with her."

The vase comes whirling past, smashing against the wall.
"Please, Levi," you sob into your hands, crouching down. "Just please, leave."
Anger bubbles through the short man, threatening to burst at any given moment.
His throat feels like it just engulfed throat cancer, it feels like he's downed 6 shots. But he'll do it again. He's so angry, but he's trying to look through his blurry eyes for something to further the argument. That's just how he is. He can't help it.

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