Chapter 4

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Andy's POV:

I went outside, and drove to band practice. On my way I put in some of my music, Carolyn blasted through the speakers as I sang along with my own voice. I didn't know if that was weird but I didn't care.

I got to the recording studio and met up with the band.

"Hey man" Jinxx said, Ashley and CC were walking up behind him.

"Dude, whats up man" Jake said, looking at me.

"Yea, you look worn down" CC said.

"I'm fine guys" I said, "lets get to practice" I went over to the mic and prepped it.

"Where is Juliet...?" Ashley said, I lowered my head. I squeezed the mic stand to the point when it looked like it was about to break. "Hey man what happened" Ash said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

My hands fell to my sides loosely "I broke up with her" I said coldly.

The band did a series of gasps and "I'm sorrys" before I could talk again.

"Its fine. I don't really feel up to practice you think I could bail guys" I said half heartedly, I hated missing practice with a passion.

The band nodded, "Yea man, totally cool" Ashley said nodding. I walked out of the studio, when I stepped outside I was surprised to be hit in the face with a cold rush of air.

Great, just wonderful. I made my way to my car quickly and drove out of the lot, I didn't know where I was going but I didn't care.

Xandra's POV:

Now I can I can really work out what has happened...


"HEYYY XANDRAAAAAA CATCH" My best friend Kit yelled at me, throwing me some cookies. I caught them.

"THANKS DARLIN" I yelled at her, I put the cookies in my bag. I took out my lunch bag and looked inside, there was a piece of paper, and a sandwich with an apple. I took the apple out and ignored everything else, I grabbed my schoolbag and ran after Kit towards the bus.

"Bye Zan, ill see you tomorrow!" Kit said walking to her bus

"Yup byee!" I stepped onto my bus and sat in the back.

The bus started and I got closer to my house. As I got near everyone turned around on the bus and looked at me in worry, I wondered what was their problem as I got off the bus. Then I saw what everyone was looking at.

There was a police car in my driveway. A cop turned around and looked at me in pity. I dropped my bag.

"What happened..." I said weakly

*End of flashback*

I was snapped out of my reminiscing by Edna screaming at me.

"GET YOUR SORRY ASS DOWN FROM THAT BLASTED TREE NOW!" She walked back inside, the wind was blowing icy now. I shivered madly as I got down from the tree.  I tried to run inside, but I tripped on a rock and I slashed my arm open.

Blood flowed freely from my arm but I didn't try to stop it. Tears formed in my eyes, my heart felt more heavy now than it has ever had before. I sat in the wet mud and cold wind alone, blood seeping on the ground, tears pricking at my eyes.

"Ugh get inside already you crazy girl!!" Edna yelled from the window

I got up slowly and stiffly, I walked inside slowly and went up to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror.

This is all your fault...Edna is right. They died because of you. Everything that has happened today is your fault.

What I saw in the mirror was an ugly, young girl who deserves the pain she is going through. I saw the worst in me.

I decided to take a shower, when I got out the mirror was clouded with steam. I drew what I should, and wanted to be.


I walked to my room and got dressed, my window was open and cold air was rushing through. I didn't shut it though, I embraced the cold.

I went over to my closet, my arm brushed the curtain on the window, it stung. I looked down at the harsh cut running across the top of my arm, it still oozed blood but it was better. Red surrounded it, cold air flowed over it, as it dried it hurt more.

How can healing hurt so much? Why does the process of healing hurt more than an open wound?

Andy's POV:

I ended up driving to the park, I walked down the path of the park. The leaves falling all around me as the bitter breeze bit at my lungs, the cold seeped into my coat and I shivered. I didn't care though.

I looked up, and saw the bench I met Xandra. I glided over to it slowly and sat down heavily. I thought about Xandra and I wanted to talk to her again. I pulled out my phone

Hey Zan, do you want to do something tomorrow night? Are you busy?

I sent the message and sat back, the temperature was dropping by the minuet. I looked at the sky and I saw clouds forming. It felt like it was gonna snow soon.

My phone buzzed. "hey Andy, Yea ill come out. Pick me up...?"

 I smiled. Yea, of course. See you tomorrow at 5? where do u live?

"830 Lincon staying with my Aunt Edna"

I got up and walked over to my car, the wind stopped. I stepped in a puddle, ice was forming around the edges. I got into my car and checked the GPS, Xandra's house was 45 minuets away. I started my car and stopped at a local flower shop.

I walked in and was disappointed to see all the flowers were out of season. An old lady walked up from the cash register

"Hello sir, what can I do for you? I'm sorry, the flowers are out of season now. We will be closing for the season tomorrow"

I looked around, I spotted a shelf of chocolate. "How much is the chocolate?" I said

The old lady turned around and looked at the chocolate and smiled. "That is 5$ a box, care for one for a special someone?" she smiled sweetly at me.

"Yes that would be nice thank you" I smiled back at her as she went a got me a box, she took it to the cash register.

"Whoever is getting this is one lucky lady" she gave me the box and I walked out.

I drove home and slept soundly that night, looking forward to seeing Xandra the next day.

Hey guys I know this was a rlly shitty chapter, it was sorta a filler. Feedback?

Wretched and Divine-An Andy Biersack FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now