Chapter 10

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Xandra's POV:

We drove in silence for a while, not an uncomfortable silence but a peaceful one. Until

"Hey Zan...what happened in the dress store?" Andy said quietly, I guess the silence wasn't peaceful for everyone

I turned my head towards him, his shoulders looked tense and his eyes tired "Nothing you don't need to worry about me" I said

He glanced at me, "Zan I know there was something, the look on your face when I was in the store said it all"

I sat there quietly, I didn't know what to say. I didn't think I let my emotions show so easily

"Xandra?" Andy said, concern lacing his already strained voice

"Yea Andy, its just this dress..." I ran my fingers through the soft fabric of the dress, "my mother ordered it for me as a present" I said, my hands suddenly clenching into a fist

"She did?" Andy said, his voice a lot quieter now


"Did you thank her?" Andy said, unaware 

" don't know do you" my voice cracked

Andy slowed down the car, we had come to a cliff. The sun was setting and the breeze was flowing softly around the car, it was ice cold but still beautiful. Andy turned to me

"What don't I know Zan love"

My head drooped, "Andy my parents...they died in a car accident recently..." tears threatened to spill do not not cry Xandra not in front of Andy

Andy lifted my chin and turned it towards his face, forcing me to look at him. Sympathy was in his eyes but also anger

"Xandra you have been through so much and yet that bastard tried to hurt you earlier today. Xandra...I promise on my life I will protect you with every fiber of my being I am here for you" Andy said sincerely, his breath ruffled the hair that fell in front of my face

I looked away


"Andy I will not let you do that, you don't need to be burdened with one like me" I looked out the window, tears rimming my eyes

"I don't care what you think or say about this, I will be there for you" Andy turned my face towards him again, this time he was closer

I looked him in the eyes, tears falling down my face

He kissed me slowly, his hand under my chin. He broke the kiss and rested his forehead against mine. He wiped away my tears softly, "Lets get something to eat shall we?"

I nodded, we drove off towards town, the cars flashing by and trees blurring away

I looked at the dark sky, snow clouds hanging like heavy blankets in the night sky, blocking the stars and moon

"We are here" Andy said, stopping the car near a big restaurant and getting out. He walked around the car and opened the door for me, helping me out of the car

"Thanks Andy, this place is amazing!" I looked at the big doorway, there were glass chandeliers everywhere, the colors were gold and silver. Everything was extremely fancy

"Welcome to your dinner Mr. Biersack, a table for 2?" a waiter in a fancy tux said, looking at Andy and mines entwined arms

"Yes Charlie, that would be good" Andy said, looking at me happily, I was still looking around the massive room 

"Come with me then"

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