Chapter 5

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Xandra's POV:

I barely slept that night as the harsh wind blew mercilessly around the house. My window had ice lining the edges when I could see the first light of day. I got up, my feet hitting the cold wooden floor. I went over to one wall in my bedroom.

This room is so dull, I should get a mirror or something to put on it...maybe a mirror.

I went back to bed for about 3 hours again, I didn't exactly sleep but time passed.

I walked out of my room and went down to the kitchen.

For some reason I dived behind the counter and hid.

"EDNA, IM HOME BITCH" I heard a man yell drunkenly. I peeked around the corner and I saw my uncle staggering through the doorway. I looked around the kitchen, and spotted the knife holder across the kitchen. I knew I had a weapon now.

Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck....

Uncle Jack went over to the stairs, I heard a soft shuffling coming from upstairs. I saw my Aunt coming down the stairway quickly, she went past my uncle quickly. Keeping her back to the wall.

"Jack, you should get some rest. You are a little out of mind right now" I heard Edna say assertively. Her voice shook though.

Oh fuck what do I do...I thought as my Uncle stood at the bottom of the stairs thinking.

He looked at Edna, then smiled evilly. He sauntered over to Edna slowly, trying I guess to look seductive. 

"I am of complete mind Edna, there is no blood in my alcohol system" he smiled drunkenly, not realizing what he had said.

I had just planned to shuffle over to the knives when Jack lunged and Edna, pulling her hair and head towards him.

Edna screamed, "LET ME GO JACK!" I felt a stab of pity for Edna, she may be a bitch but she was still my family. Granted so was Jack but he was drunk as fuck.

I lunged forward and body checked Jack, it didn't do much but throw him off balance but it was enough, I grabbed Edna and pulled her behind me, she had tears streaming down her face.

"Back the fuck off mate" I said dangerously.

Jack took his balance back and looked at us, "Oi! Who are you now bitch!?"

"I am your niece you drunk bastard, and you better. Back. Off." I said, stepping back with Edna. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Someone was calling me but I didn't have time to answer.

"GET OVER HERE BITCHES!" Jack tried to get at us again but we were just out of his reach.

I whipped around to Edna, her face was lined with fear and hate. Even after this you still hate me, figures.

I pushed her forward, "To the bathroom!" I yelled at her, she jumped into action and we sped to the bathroom, on the way by the knives I snagged one and we made it into the bathroom safely locking the door behind us.

We heard Jack's confused yells as we sat at the door. I looked over at Edna and saw her age really coming through now. Her shoulders were hunched and eyes were tired. More pity coursed through me.

"Hey its ok, we are safe now" I said kindly

She looked at me sharply, "We are not safe! Jack is drunk and trying to find us and you think we are SAFE? What world are you living in child?!" She snapped at me, I looked at her in shock.

"Maybe I shoulda left you out there eh? Would you be happy then?! No! Get over yourself and learn that shit happens and you have to deal" I snapped back at her, not in the mood for her shit

My phone vibrated once and I looked at who texted me.

"hey its Andy, are you asleep? I called you"

I sighed in relief, Andy! You need to call the cops and get over here now! My uncle is drunk and going after us, you need to help us"

I heard Jack shuffling around outside the bathroom door, I turned to Edna and put a finger to my mouth indicating she should be quiet. She nodded at me solemnly.

I felt my phone buzz, "what!? I'm coming now! I will call the cops! Are you ok? Did he do anything to you?! If he did I will kill him!"

No, I'm fine dw, just come quickly so he doesn't find us. k?

"Ok, I will be there soon dw"

I sighed and looked at Edna again, I guess all we could do was wait.

Jack banged on the door, causing Edna to jump. I ran over to the door and sat against it.

Andy come quickly.

sorry it was so short :( I hope you have a good day! If you have any story suggestions feel free to tell me :)

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