light of hope.

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Here gohan finds redribbon army in space. Dr Jill comes out to talk to him. Gohan said why are you making sayains suffer always. Gohan didn't knew yet about frecely. He came to take revenge of his brothers and trunks death. Jill said you with your group can't defeat us. Then how can you come along to fight us. Have you lost you mind. Gohan said yes I ll vanish you all. Jill said you don't know what we are upto. He tell him about frecely. And gohan gets more and more angry. While Dr jill was talking gohan suddenly shouted and burst into rage.

He was SS2 with extreme angry. He just started taking RR army all by one. And at last he destroy full army alone. He comes to Dr Jill and caught his neck saying where are dragonballs. Dr Jill said no idea flying in universe. Gohan killed him. Gohan called his dad in mind and told him to hold for few hrs till he find dragonballs. Goku was very happy to know that. Vegita was too when he came to know. Piccolo to put his helping hand to sayaingods. But hardly there was scratched on LSS frecely. Goku thought that he can wish dragon for separating frecely but gohan couldn't find the balls quick so goku decided to die with the monster. He told vegita, piccolo, yamcha, tien, krillin to donate their energy to goku. Everybody agreed. Goku had to bear the strong punches by frecely till he gathers full power. Vegita donate all his god power till the end till he gets unconscious. Goku caught the frecely tail and took him to the nearby planet where no body survived.

Goku get burnt with frecely as he had become hoter than the sun and that whole planet get destroyed

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Goku get burnt with frecely as he had become hoter than the sun and that whole planet get destroyed. Gohan find dragonballs and come back to earth. They wish for lives of the people who were killed by frecely. And second wish for the sayains who were killed by RR army. Everybody came back to life except goku. The dragonballs split into the core of the earth again. Goku was the real and loyal hero again. goku had to wait in other world till the dragonballs are recollect. However goku enjoys there fighting with pikon.

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