Chapter Thirty-One

Start from the beginning

"Not with our cards, what do we have to do now?" I say while I slap Zayn on his head.

"Aah, that hurts"

"I hate you for writing on the cards"

"You love me, you just don't admit it"

"Sush you pretty boy" I say walking back to Maura.

"I hate your boyfriend"

"Why? What’s up curly"

"He ruined the cards"

"Ok, that sucks"


Maura’s pov

"Babe, I've got something for you" Zayn says while he sits down next to me.


"Here" he says giving me the package of cards.

'Some things I love about you (fifty to be exact)' I read. I grab the next card and see: '1. Your smile' written on it.

Did he just seriously wrote a list of things he likes about me? 


'2. Your little hands'

'3. Your sense of humour'

'4. Your hotness'

'5. Your sweetness'


Aaahh this is so damn cute. He made me a list of things he loves about me. There is even one with ’the way you love to eat Nutella' on it. And one with 'The fact that you want a ginger cat, name it Ed and build a Lego house'.

Urgh Zayn, stop being so... Zayn-ish. You're not really helping me with all these stupid feelings.

I hate him for being perfect.

"Zayn, I hate you" I say when I finished reading what's on every single card.

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