6. Chapter 6 ( A new home )

Start from the beginning

He gave them all a proud look and Edward smiled. Carlisle's trust in them was endless.

Alice gave out and excited Yelp and jumped Jasper. Rose kissed Emmett and Esme caressed Bella's cheek again.

'Don't forget we still have to ask Bella what she wants.' Carlisle warned. 'Her opinion on this matter is the most important one.'

Edward nodded, but Alice smiled knowingly.

'I have ordered her a bed, which will be delivered tomorrow morning. Regrettably, she will have to sleep on the couch tonight. It was the best I could do, this is Alaska after all.' Alice told everybody.

Although she seems to have found a very good place to sleep. Alice winked at Edward.

Edward shook his head. Alice was unbelievable.

'There is another issue, of course.' Jasper said. 'What should we tell her?'

'The truth.' Alice answered immediately.

She watched Edward, seeing if he was going to disagree, but this time he wasn't. Now that it was decided she was going to stay, there was no way around the truth. Living with her in the same house and keeping secrets was not only hard but also wrong. The secrets would stand between their relationships. Bella could never fully belong to this family without knowing the truth.

'I agree. We should tell Bella everything.' Carlisle decided.

The others nodded in agreement and there was nothing left to discuss.

It was almost diner time and Esme rushed to the kitchen to cook. It was lucky that she could, an inheritance from her human life. She had instructed Carlisle in the art of cooking and he followed to help her. Edward was debating if he should wake Bella. He would rather have the talk with he sooner than later. She was muttering in her sleep and it were all words like, no home or where should I live? Her insecurities pained him, but she was probably exhausted from her excited day, so waking her up was not something he liked to do. Rose was helping Alice unpack Bella's new things, but Emmett hovered around them, clearly hoping to be there when she woke up.

Hall an hour later Alice walked back in.

'Bella is going to wake up in five minutes, which is good, because her diner is almost ready.'

They hovered over her and true to Alice's prediction Bella opened her eyes exactly five minutes later. She blinked and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. Edward almost laughed aloud, because if the funny picture of three vampires hovering over a waking girl as if she was the most interesting being in the world. To them and their rarely changing lives she probably was. Alice scooped her form his grip.

'You are probably hungry, aren't you?' Asked Alice.

They were not used to the feeding schedules of 'humans', so she was unsure.

Bella nodded shyly. Alice rushes her to the kitchen where everybody gathered. Nobody wanted to miss anything and they were going to talk to her about staying with them.

'Hello sweetheart,' Esme said,' you are just in time for diner.'

She put down a plate in front of Bella, who had an ecstatic face. They all laughed.

They watched her eat for a few minutes, until Carlisle sat beside her.

'We have something very important to discuss with you, Bella.' He began.

She looked up from her almost empty plate and Carlisle had her full attention.

'We are a very unusual family in more ways than one. Everybody in the family is not related to blood.' Says Carlisle.

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