Part 9. Shift in Play.

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Priest, Farah and I gathered ourselves as our Ghosts popped the water spouts in the Hall of The Deep.
After a half an hour, the halls were flooded with water up to our ankles.
Is there any water on the surface? I ask my Ghost.
No, Hiven magics still prevent water from flowing above ground. It says.
Sounds like we have more Hive to kill, I reply.
Titox was the least powerful, I'd wager, Priest says.
So who knows what's in store for us, Farah says softly behind us.
We didn't come here to cower. We came to fight. I say as we continue on, finding the room where we dropped from the canyon on the surface.
And we aren't dead. Not yet anyway, so we keep fighting. I assure.
We climbed back up the hole, now not worrying about any outside forces barring our way.
We made our way back outside, the canyon was dark and cold.
Storms are whipping again. Ghost says in my ear.
Are those Ash Keepers close? I ask.
There's definitely an agitation in the air. They know of Titox's demise, it says.
Then odds are that its far more dangerous than before. Stay wary, I command.
It wasn't long before we made our way back to ground level.
Once there, we heard what sounded like throaty, drawn out scratches in the air.
They sound like a... Deathsinger... I notice.
Like Ir Yût? Priest asks.
I'd bet, I say, but we must be careful.
Before we could find our next objective, the ground beneath us began to rumble with life.
Feeder?! I ask my Ghost as we're all thrown off balance.
No! It's... Ghost starts.
It's what?! I demand.
Before our eyes, before my Ghost can tell me, a massive coffin erupts from the ground.
What in the Traveller? Farah awes.
Back away! I scream. NOW!!!
I put my hand out and a wave washes around us, pushing Farah and Priest a few feet behind me.
The coffin opens, and Darkness etches from it.
I raise my hand and cover my eyes as waves of kinetic energy pulse from it every few seconds.
It sounds like a drum.
Like that drum.
The drum I heard on Luna.
The one that reminded me of my friend Rei.
The one that unlocked my unlimited power of Void Light.
Creature of Darkness! I scream as my hands shine in Void.
You befoul me with your very presence! Submit to my Light! Or begone with you! I command.
That very moment, as Farah and Priest walk up to my sides, an ancient, boney hand curls around the side of the coffin.
Then the other.
Before us floats a Hiven Wizard.
Her eyes are glossed over in Darkness.
Her voice, unused for centuries, cracks and scratches the air.
Her hands, or rather, bones, dusty and beyond old.
She cocks her head and looks at us curiously.
Perversion... I growl lividly as I feel every hair on my body stand up and I feel myself raise up.
Please... She said.
Just a moment... Her voice curls.
I look at her, the Wizard, with amazement.
You can speak? Priest says with crackling fists.
I can do many things... She says and cracks her hand to us, holding what appeared to be a ball of Light.
You fetid creature! I shout and palm a Nova Bomb.
You would think I a murderer? She asks curiously, stroking the ball of Light.
I think you worthy to die! I growl.
Tell me first... How is Eris...? She says with a coo.
My eyes widen, and my jaw drops.
What... How do you possibly... I ask as my arms begin to shiver.
I know many things... Eris and I... She begins, agreed on things... Her voice scratches.
Who are you... I ask distantly.
My name... She starts, is Ûn Djin, she says.
Ûn Djin? My Ghost says appearing before me.
You're Ûn Djin? It asks.
Yes I am, Dead-Raiser, she says.
Who's Ûn Djin? I ask, silently praying my Ghost would get away from that thing.
Ûn Djin is an ancient Hive Wizard, Ghost says turning to us.
She was thrown from all courts eons ago, for her commune with Light, Ghost says.
Commune with Light? I ask.
Yes, Ûn answers. I was curious... Much like that Shattered One. She hisses, referring to Toland.
I have been dead since I was born, she says curling her fingers around her ball of Light.
But I have knowledge beyond life. Strength beyond death. She says curiously.
And why do you tell us this? Farah asks.
We all stare at each other for a few moments; the wind whipping by and the Ask Keepers residue inking the air.
I am curious, you see, she says. Your strength to overcome the Light Plunderer is not coincidence. I have foreseen your arrival, she says.
If you can defeat the Destroyer, Light may return to this world. She says.
And you tell us this why? I ask.
What do you ask from us? I demand.
Her voice lets out a dry, cracked, scratching laugh.
You have nothing I want, Warriors, she says.
But you can help me.
I look at her cross, my brow turned up in curiosity.
How so? I ask.
Your Light is capable of killing the Destroyer, thus ceasing its influence. If it is gone, she trails off, the Hiven here will be free to die... And move to new worlds. She says.
You'd have us kill the Destroyer so you could leave this place? I ask.
It has been rather cumbersome, you see, she says bored.
All this time and nothing to inspect... Nothing to... She says eying me darkly.
Enjoy... She snarls.
I would aid you in killing the Destroyer, so that I may have my exodus, she says offering a hand to us.
How can we be so sure you'd not try to eat our Light? Priest asks.
Djin laughs again, holding her ball of Light still.
I told you already Strong One, you have nothing I want. She says clawing at us with her voice.
Then what would we do? Tell quickly, and be done with us, I say lowly.
Titox was guarding a reservoir; a place to hold the water, she says.
There are two more below the surface of the planet. If you can release the water, Hiven magics or no, water shall flood again. She says.
And that will do what? I ask.
At that point the Destroyer will not be able to ignore your presence. It will appear before you... And you will bear witness to that which else resides here.
Farah, Priest and I look at each other, our faces undoubtedly etched with curiosity and worry.
What else is here? I ask.
Djin turns her head to the sky, smelling it softly.
It is an ancient thing... Almost as old as Hive; but it is extremely powerful. More than a match for The Destroyer. You must release the water to summon it, Guardians, she hisses.
But what is it? I demand.
You are in no position to make demands Warrior, she snarls at me.
You are a stranger in a strange land. I have nothing I need from you; but that does not mean I will not kill you. She growls piercing her fingers into the ball of Light.
I swallow hard and take a defensive stance.
Your part is now clear. Play it, or don't, I have offered my piece, she says floating back back her coffin.
The ground rumbled again and the coffin sank back into the ground from whence it came, and the hole it appeared from closed itself up.
We all stared at the spot where she was before we all nervously look at one another.
So... Farah says finally, what's the plan?
I breathe deeply and sigh.
We have nothing else to go on; and it seems like we were already headed on the right track, I say turning to her and Priest.
You're gonna believe her? Priest asks.
Either way, we have no better plan of attack, I say.
Do you trust me Priest? I ask genuinely.
You I trust, he says. It's the Hive I question.

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