Part 12. Keepers Of The Dark.

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I had felt myself die from the force of the Ogre.
I had collapsed from my pain. My body wasn't working, I could remember, for the longest time.
I woke up and was still falling.
How long? Where? How deep?
All around me was darkness.
But I could hear nothing.
See nothing.
I turned my head, and I don't even think it moved. I know it did, because I felt it.
But I didn't see it.
Ghost. I say.
It was gone again.
I fell longer still. I felt air whip by.
But I didn't hear it.
I heard nothing. Nothing but the sounds inside my mind.
I felt the sickening pain of bones breaking. I had hit the bottom of this pit; what or where ever it was.
I lay still, darkness all around me.
I felt it begin to writhe and move around me.
It sensed my Light. My Guardianship.
No. I demand silently. Leave me be.
The Darkness mocked me, and traced along my dead body.
I felt pain, despite how numb I was.
I began to gasp and heave, crying as it touched me.
It's "fingers" burned my skin.
I screamed and roared.
But it continues still.
Such resolve you have, I hear a voice call out.
It took a moment for me to realize who it was.
But when I did, I didn't know wether to thank my luck, or curse myself.
T-Toland...? I ask silently. No words formed except from within my mind.
Yes, he said and knelt next to me.
What... Why are you here... I beg.
I feel him look at me softly from behind his helmet.
He placed his hand on my chest and I felt life return to me.
I gasped and sat up, half screaming as I was ripped from death and brought back to life.
I looked at Toland. The Darkness surrounded he and I both, but he was brilliant.
His Light shined a soft blue.
Remain diligent in the Dark, young Warlock, he says softly and places something on the ground just in front of my feet.
Mind your Light.
As he said that, and as of from where he came, he disappeared in nothingness.
I looked at what he set on the ground.
It looked like a living splotch of Light.
I reached for it, and it transformed.
It grew a handle, and looked like a very old, Golden Age lantern.
I lifted it up and held it out, allowing it to illuminate the dark around me.
I was in what looked like a cave; not unlike those bored into Luna.
I heard cries and roars from deeper.
If only I I had my Ghost.
I had to find Priest as Farah first, then my Little Light.
My first step shot pain up my left half.
I collapsed, gasping and whimpering in agony.
I run my hand from my foot up my calf until I feel bone poking through the shin.
Fucking compound fracture, I gasp and sat up.
I was, accustom, to the pain. But I still felt it.
I took the bone and shoved it back into the skin.
I scream as I do; half a roar and half a cry.
I reach my hand a clasp the wall.
I shove myself up, not daring to set my wounded leg down.
I bend down and take the lantern. I hold it in front of me, and I use the wall to guide me.
The wall claws down deeper into the cave.
A descent.
I have no fathomable idea where it could go.
With no option otherwise, I continue down.
I shiver slightly as I hear the roars emanate from deep in the caverns. Like there was a chamber of Ogres, screaming at the ceiling to fall.
I keep going, but as I do, I notice that the rock of the wall splits off into paths.
Soon I'm at a 4 direction pathway.
I stood in the middle and looked down each path.
As I hold out the lantern, I see it glosses over at least 5 sets of sharp yellow eyes, down each path.
I swallow my heart, and grip the lantern tightly.
I knew what they were.
But these, in this place.
Keepers of The Dark.
Eris always told any Guardian, young or old, if they were going to Hiven territory.
Be careful of The Keepers of The Dark.
I steadied myself as best I could.
The Acolytes laughed and growled from their corners.
Do you fear me beasts? I ask softly as I palm Void fire.
I felt no rifle on my back, nor my machine gun.
I ran my hand slowly along my hip, and feel a small pistol grip.
Not as thick as a hand cannon, but I knew what it was.
I drew a small pistol, squared edges and a short, smooth barrel.
I held the lantern in one hands and squeezed the grip of the sidearm with the other.
I squinted and stared down one of the four paths with the sets of eyes edging toward me.
I popped the trigger of my weapon twice, sending small bullets pinging from the walls.
I remember trying to fire Priest's Fatebringer with one hand, and trying to hold onto his sparrow with the other.
This was significantly easier, but the wound on my leg made my vision blurry and all I could smell in my helmet was copper.
I popped 3 more shots, and one of the Keepers fell to fiery orange ashes.
The other four Keepers snarl wildly and charge down the corridor.
Their armor is dark gold.
Instead of Shredders, these Keepers wielded small, twisted scythes. Like they were death themselves.
For Acolytes, the title of Keeper was the most sought after, Eris told me.
They take actual pride in their killing of Light. Of Guardians.
I bared my teeth and fired the rest of the magazine at the Keepers, an two more fall to orange dust.
The two final Keepers come within the light of my lantern and I see their snarling, gnashing teeth.
They taunt my Light as they raise their scythes.
I throw out my hand to the one on my right.
My Void Light lashes out and wraps around the Keeper. Soon, the creature fades away into intense purple light.
The other swings its scythe at my legs. It misses my wounded leg, but sticks the blade tip into my unwounded knee.
I shout, dropping my sidearm, and swing my lantern at its head, smacking it against the wall.
The Keeper is still dazed as I take its head in my hands and slam it into the floor.
I smash it over and over and I hear snarls of more Keepers behind me.
I turn, and my free hand blossoms a Nova Bomb.
I throw it to the group closest to me; close enough that they were in the light of my lantern.
The Nova Bomb exploded into purple light and dense sound. The Keepers died away in Light.
I collapsed on my knees, disregarding my pain because I was far too focused on my exhaustion.
I saw from the edge of my lanterns light, one final set of 5 eyes.
You want me... I taunt, still on my knees and gasping.
Come and get me, I say with a cough and a hollow laugh.
I turned my head to the floor, expecting to feel a sickening sensation of separation, as I was systematically beheaded.
But instead, as the Keepers crept closer, one was soon washed away in blue light.
Then another.
Then in one swath, two more were cut down.
I saw what was unmistakably Farah. Her blue knife, snapping and burning away the Keepers.
I got him! She yells and runs to me.
I feel I'm about to fall on my face, as she gets to me just in time to prop me up on the floor.
I soon see Priest's form melt in from the edge of my lanterns light.
It was burning small, but it's pure white light was still brilliant and hot.
You're either a maniac, or you're a genius, Priest chuckles as he bends next to me.
Warlocks are both, don't you know? I say with a laugh.
Can you walk? Farah asked.
Yes, I lie and stand up.
I immediately regret that decision, as I collapse and both of my wounds begin to bleed steadily.
No Ghost? Priests Ghost asks me.
No, I say somberly, my Little Light is gone.
We'll find it, Priest says and nods at Farah, who lifts me onto her back as he loads his weapons.
And if we don't? I ask quietly as Priest begins to lead us down a corridor.
He takes a moment to reply before he turns to me.
Well, you're not being left here, Ghost or no, he says with a warm voice.
I take the moment to reach into my belt and load my sidearm.
Ghost, can you find Dylan's Ghost? Farah asks hers.
She chirps and buzzes.
It's farther down, but I'm definitely detecting its Light. She says.
Priest nods and begins to walk.
I feel Farah's soft footsteps and she begins walking also.
I held the lantern in front of me, lighting the way for Priest.
Where'd you get the lantern? Priest asks.
I don't know, I say, but Toland gave it to me, I say softly.
Toland? Priest asks in disbelief.
Yes, I say, I don't know if it was a dream. But I couldn't see. But I heard him. I was dead, and he gave me Light, and life. And then he gave me this, I say, shaking the lantern softly.
He warned me to mind my Light.
Mind your Light? Priest asks.
Perhaps I'm not the best at that task, considering my tangle with Hiven, with no weapon or Ghost. I say with a soft hint of sarcasm.

Light: Exploits, Book II.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat