Part 2. Departure.

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Alright, everyone has everything they need. Make damn well sure, caused odds are we aren't gonna be coming home for a long time, I say as Priest, Farah and I prepare to board our ships.
In the ship bay, we see Amanda Holiday making final modifications to our ships.
You're all saddled up and ready to git goin Guardians, she said in her trademark drawl.
Appreciated, Shipwright. I smile. You made sure we have the fuel? It is uncharted, after all. And haven't I been good to you? I say jokingly.
I did what I could Guardian, she smiled.
Just lemme know if you find anything I might like out there. I'll take anything you can bring home. She says.
We'll keep an eye out, Farah says from in her ship.
Alright, clear the bay! Guardians are ready for takeoff! A flagger shouts as all personnel leave the bay floor.
Good luck Guardians, and good hunting. Amanda says before Priest and I climb into our ships.
Alright so here's how this is gonna go, I say priming up my engines.
Farah, as our Hunter, and as being an Exo, you're our Trailblazer. You set our course; I'm sending you the data now, I say as my Ghost quips. And if all goes well, we should be spit out right next to Neptune. I say.
Any questions? I ask.
One, Priest quips.
What's the plan once we get there? He asks.
Consider this an experimental, test run, research mission. I say with a hint of hesitation. Especially considering the fact that I think only a handful of people actually know where we're going, I say as my ships engines roar to life.
Whoo! This is gonna be fun! Farah hollers from her ship.
Take off Guardians, see you in orbit, I say as I punch ignition, flying off over the Cosmodrome in seconds.
I would miss Earth. Home Terra.
As much as Hive and Fallen have stripped it, it is still my home.
And as much as I fear for is safety, I have that much more faith in our Guardians who are still here.
I hung up on orbit for a few moments, looking into undoubtably inhabited space.
Ever so much to explore and discover.
Alright, sending you guys the coordinates, I head Farah say over comms. Damn, Dylan this isn't the longest jump but the end point is really shaky, she says curiously.
Meaning? I ask.
Meaning we better treat our end point hostile. Priest growls happily.
And we take it low and slow. I say sternly.
We're not risking any more than we already are.
Farah sent us schematics and we primed our engines.
Hold tight, I say as we head to warp.
As we were flying, Ghost kept monitoring out ships.
Aaaaaand... Hulls are stable Guardians, our Ghosts quipped.
We all breathed a sigh of relief. Glad we made another successful jump.
So Dylan, Priest spoke up.
Hmm? I reply.
What's the deal tween you and Eris? You seem awful chummy, he says distantly.
She's a warlock, and she was a Guardian once. She has my respect as an elder. She has much knowledge. I say flatly.
She's fucking bonkers; are you sure? He barks.
You know the stories. Her and her team, even Toland, The Shattered One, all lost their lives in that pit. He says.
Eris lost far more... I pause softly. Than her mind. In. That. Pit. I say with a snap.
And she's leading Darkness in our midst. Priest replies.
I know what she's seen. He says. I've heard of the nightmares.
I have a big ass gun with a bullet that'll cure every nightmare she could ever have. He says with a click.
It's mercy. It's the right thing to do. Let the dead be dead. He says leaning back in his chair.
I sat and absorbed his words. I had no rebuttal.
Here was a Titan, leaving me speechless.
He and I would learn much with one another.
Then explain me Priest, I said confidently.
Hmm? He says softly.
Or better yet, explain you, I continue.
Are you not a Guardian? Am I not? Is Farah?
Were we not all dead once? I ask.
Farah and Priest sit back, aghast.
How can you say to let the dead be? Would you wish me that pain? I ask solemnly.
He turns his head softly.
Farah? I ask.
Eris gave everything she had for us. All of us. The Traveller. I commend her sacrifices, I say starting to choke.
And I hurt, for what those deplorable creatures of Darkness did to my Warlock brothers and sisters. To my Guardian brothers and sisters. I say softly.
And I would feel this same rage were it you, or any other of the Light. The Darkness will die one day. I say wiping away tears.
And I will heal my family. I say with a final sigh.
It was quiet for a little while after that.
We all got to digest what was said.
We all knew we had each other.
And Priest needed to know I trust Eris. And he has a right to know.
I understand she is rather... Dark. Forbidding even.
But there is still so much she can do for us.
And she refuses to let the Darkness eat her away.
Nearing our end point Guardians, Ghost chirps.
Soon enough, we are spat out in the midst of empty space.
The hell? Farah whispers.
Did you enter in the right coordinates? Priest asks.
Yea, I double and triple checked, she sighs.
Guardians, Cayde says.
Cayde? I ask dumbly.
It's a message. Encrypted in the data, I'll clean it up, Ghost buzzes.
Guardians, now, crazy idea wanting to go to Neptune. I like it. But there's one problem. Data was patched so I only got halfway before Cabal swatted me outta the sky. The solution? He says to pause as we hear a boom and clatter.
The fuck? I swear.
Is to hitch a ride. He says with a wink.
Good hunting Guardians, he says as his holo image fades out.
Whoa, now what the fuck is goin on?! Priest shouts.
We're caught in a magnet, Ghost says struggling slightly.
It's from a drone, Cabal make but... Hijacked?
I cracked a grin.
Cayde I dunno how, but you're my kind of crazy, I smiled as we approached the big blue planet of Neptune.

Light: Exploits, Book II.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum