Epilogue: Guardainship.

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Before immediate departure, I suggested we all rested in the City beforehand.
Absorb and take all the Light we could.
I agreed to meet Priest and Farah at a bar in the City when I finished my business in the Tower.
Where I was going and what I wanted to do was somber.
But I had to pay my respects as best I could.
Down below the ship bay, there was an elevator that lead to more residential areas of the Tower.
Down there, there was a hallway that lead to a most revered place.
Our own Hallowed Hall of Guardians.
Those of us who gave everything.
And it turned out to be not enough.
Statues and busts of famous Guardians lined the long hall leading to the main room.
I recognize some of them, as Sar, and another as Vell Tarlowe.
Omar Agah and Sai Mota, the Hunters of Crota's Bane.
Another, I recognize as Eriana-3; her body awash in brilliant orange fire, her mannequin almost springing to life as I walked past.
Others, I saw.
Young Guardians. Fledglings, who were so fast to fight for their Traveller.
In the main chamber, I see more.
In the center stands a statue of Toland, The Shattered One.
Holding Light in one hand, and Darkness in the other.
Beyond him tho, nestled in a corner, looking as much alive as a statue could.
Was Rei.
Holding a Vex Mythoclast, her body washed over in Void Light.
I step up to her, and fold my hands behind my back.
I wonder what her face was behind the helmet.
My Ghost appeared before me, and we simply looked at her for a moment.
I brought up my hand, and placed it on her chest piece.
It was cold beneath my touch; dead, even.
I swallowed the lump in my throat, and scraped my hand slowly along her armor.
I noticed that she had no Mark, like other Titans.
I untied the one of hers I found around my neck.
The pattern was torn, and seemed illegible.
But it was a Vanguard symbol.
It was luck, like a Hunter.
Strength, like a Titan.
And passion, like a Warlock.
Like me, Rei said, about me once.
I tied it around her hip, and it swayed softly in the breeze of the room, almost like it was agreeing that her visage was perfect now.
It always looked better on you anyway, I said with a smile.
I took a small step back, and took her in now.
Perfect as it could have been.
Her mannequin; a staunch, unmoving reminder of what it meant to be a Guardian.
I felt tears well in my eyes again, and palmed them away.
I would miss her; I would be lying if ever I said otherwise.
She taught me so much about myself; and grew to love and care for me.
She was a Guardian, yes.
But, more than that. She was MY Guardian.
I was hers.
And she was mine.
Now, I couldn't feel incomplete.
Sad and heartbroken as I may have been, I had a family to protect.
I had a hotheaded Titan who's first instinct was to punch all opposition to the dirt.
And a Hunter, who's curiosity nearly matched my own, who would get herself into trouble were she not careful.
I had people to protect.
I was their Guardian.
Just as much as they were mine.
I smiled as I looked upon Rei's statue; what I will call her grave.
Thank you, I said softly, as if she could hear me.
Because, I believe, somehow, she could.
Her mannequin pulsed and hummed softly in Void Light.
I couldn't have ever done what I have, were it not for you, I continued.
I hope I can keep making you proud... And maybe, we can see each other again, when we've defeated The Darkness... I said, hopefully.
The statue said nothing, as I expected.
I smiled softly again.
I love you, Rei... Thank you... Thank you so much.

Light: Exploits, Book II.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora