[09] The Auction House

Start from the beginning

Finally adding the final touches of dark paint around my eyes, pinning back the front of my hair so my face was clear and putting on the slippers, I was ready to go out.

Helga quickly looked over her work, "Perfect..." then yelled very hoarsely for the guard, "Bruce! Get this stupid creature out of here, I've got other angels that need to be dealt with!"

I stood there obediently until Bruce opened the door. What would be the point of running when I have nowhere to go? He walked over to me and hooked the chain back onto my collar.

"Let's go whore!" I stumbled forward as Bruce continued to push me through the multiple dark hallways and rooms until we got backstage to the auctioning room. It was odd as I almost knew where I was going as I had been here so many times.


We came upon an entrance that was more delicately made. Another guard who was standing at this entrance pulled out a needle from a box at his side. Wordlessly coming up to us both, he injected it into the base of my tattoo.

A few seconds later as they both stood a couple steps back; my wings were forced out of my back. They hung lifelessly and dark behind me, just barely brushing my ankles.

Glancing at them, I saw that they still had their natural glossy shine but most if not all of their once strong muscle tone had long since deteriorated from the lack of use...

I sighed quietly to myself and looked ahead of me again.

The auctioneer who was out in front of the stage now was calling out numbers for a bid on a young looking Pure angel girl. The price was at $8 000. Hm, she seems somewhat special. I wonder why...

A new guard came from the side of the stage and through the entrance and took my chain. He was fat and downright disgusting, barely fitting into his soldier attire, as he silently yanked on the chain forcing me into a cage that was sitting behind the curtain. I was the only one that they actually put into a cage, usually they just chained them to a post.

The dumb guard threw me into the cage and I fell into what quite literally looked like a birds nest. I rolled my eyes. I'm an angel, not a sparrow... Looking ahead of me were the dark red curtains and on the other side would be a huge room full of fancy dressed up buyers that I would be shown to and expected to 'display' myself to.

I heard the door slam shut and the lock being closed and bolted. There was no why out of it now. I've already tried everything at least once before...

Moving my legs close to my body, I try to enjoy the warmth that was in here and that I was very grateful for. One of the select few things I missed about my home in Hell was the constant heat.

From the auction room I heard the man call out, "Sold! For $12 000 to the Vampire Lord Ouriel!"

There was some polite clapping as the Vampire Lord claimed his prize.

"Have fun, angel," the fat man spat as if the word were poison. I glared at his retreating form as he left to get the next victim.

I watched as the Pure girl was brought back behind the curtain and tears were staining her cheeks. She couldn't be more than 13 years old. But she still was strong enough to glare and spit at me as she walked passed. The guard holding her simply chuckled. I hissed at the young girl and wished for her painful death.

The auctioneer spoke up again, "Now, ladies and gentleman, next we have our special item of the evening. The Fallen..." he paused to let it sink in and some murmurs were heard, "She is well-known around here and although she is capable of being trouble-some we have been getting comments that she is still 'good'... Men, you know what I mean."

There was some laughter and I clenched my jaw and my anger rose once more. Still sitting cross-legged in the center of the cage, I let my head hang low, and my wings were hanging motionlessly and harmlessly behind me.

"Our scholars have found that she is the daughter of the Angel of Death himself. She's feisty but who doesn't love a little spunk now and then? She is approximately 20 years old. Whoever purchases this angel will definitely be going home with a prize."

In the same instant that he finished speaking, the red curtains swooshed opened and the cage was rolled forward to the edge of the stage and closer to the crowd of viewers.

The bright lights that lit the stage burnt my grey eyes and one of my arms lifted to shield them. The crowd let out a unified gasp at the sight of me. A few slow claps were heard and I lowered my arm a bit to peer out at the room full of finely dressed men and women. Some in the front rows awed and took pictures.

They awed! How ridiculous...

I heard the sound of someone clearing their throat and my eyes glanced to the side to see the speaker give me a look that basically said, 'display yourself now and live another day'.

I didn't return his angry glare but instead just did as was expected.

Last time I ignored him, I was pulled back momentarily to be quickly punished. They essentially closed the curtain, gagged me and placed Gael rods to both sides of my neck. The only reason they didn't hit me was because the sight of bruises would make me 'cheaper'.

My legs had more strength now as I stood up and crawled out of my 'nest'. With my wings still neatly folded behind my back mostly hidden from view, I walked closer to the cage walls so I would be easier to see.

The crowd observed me silently for a moment and I in turn did the same, looking slowly from side to side.

I sighed at what I saw. They all looked the same as usual. Both Humans and Vampires alike were all gorgeous, and the Vampires were easy to pick out because of their protruding fangs and pale skin.

My previous Masters have all told me at some point, mostly when drunk, that I am a beautiful specimen. Of course I never took it to heart, because obviously they would say that. Maybe they thought that it would make me suddenly willingly to let them do with me as they pleased.

But there was something else about this group. They actually seemed genuinely interested in me. And that made me sort of interested in them as well.

My mind wasn't able to linger on that for long as I remembered what I was to do.

My hands gripped the bars in front of me and as I glared at them all, my knuckles turned white in my tight grip, and I dared them to want me.

When it was completely silent and everyone was on the edge of their seats leaning forward, waiting for me to do something, I quickly unfolded my wings and spread them out in both directions. They fanned out a good two meters on both sides.

It was so sudden of a movement that most people gasped and shot back in their seats startled.

I smirked and fanned them a bit letting them stretch out. It has been so long...

The strength in my wings seemed to have increased since the last time I remembered having them out a few months ago. But I don't think that I could ever fly right now though.

A few people at the front started leaning forward and reaching out to touch me. I wasn't prepared for this reaction and my wings came around in front of me to form a cocoon around myself to shield me from it all.

"Please remain in your seats please..." the announcer said and then cleared his throat, " And the bidding will start at $10 000."


I know this may seem like it is going very slow but things will pick up soon!

Just need to lay out the groundwork...

Hope you are all still finding it interesting!

Thanks to everyone for reading :)

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Angel's Weren't Meant To Be Slaves. Welcome To Hell, Master. *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now