{Chapter 7}

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This is it...

The final chapter of ODTR!

Here we go!!!


The summer breeze made my hair whip around my face, sighing, I grab my abandoned converse and walked up to the carpark.

The soft, white sand sunk under my dirty feet-I've always loved the beach, it's so peaceful, the crashing waves, squeaking flip flops and hungry seagulls, I've always loved the sounds and nature.

A lot has happened lately, Jaxel and I started hanging out and we gradually became closer, and closer until he finally asked if he could be my boyfriend.

He had gotten my three best friends- Stacey the current head cheerleader, single as of the minute.

Sophia the quiet little shy girl that wasn't so quiet and shy anymore, she was not single, Soph as we like to call her, has actually started dating my older brother, has been since three weeks after we moved here so, they have been dating for around two years.

And Pris, the closest friend of mine in our friend group, she is flirting with Jake, she had really grown up, but she was still the prankster that we'd all come to love. Jake had an obvious thing for her and she knows it, its hilarious actually.

Well, Jaxel had gotten my three best friends, Stacey, Sophia and Pris to make a cute little garden setup for him to ask me. He'd brought me roses, and he'd been a proper gentlemen.

After two years, I've changed- well I like to think so, and I also like to think that its for better, I've stopped being so dramatic, I've become obsessed with health foods and relaxation. I barely stress anymore and from that, I've become much more natural in my appearance, my once visable frown lines are now invisible and my skin is much more tanned, I always wear converse or joggers and most of the time I'm at the beach or the gym.

I like my body, and I'm happy. Jaxel's happy, Stacey's Happy, Jake's happy, Pris's happy, Steven's happy and Sophia's happy.

My ringtone wakes me from my daydream. I glance at my phone before putting the small device to my ear, "Hello, Grace Rose, how can I help you?"

"Hey Grace, surprised you answered actually." I froze, that voice was familiar.

"W-what do you want?" I stutter. This guy was bad news now.

"Now, Grace, why would I ever give you the reason to think I want something?"

"What the hell do you want Kaden?"I hiss his name. I pick up my walking pace to a slow jog and find my car, hopping in it and roaring it to life.

"Now, now, Grace, don't drive away from me! I used to be your best friend, do you remember that Grace?" This is bad.

I turn my steering wheel and drive to my house, over the years we stayed in the same house of residence. Next to my boyfriend, Jaxel.

"Kaden, can you please stop. You know that I know what you want. And you also know, I can't give it to you! Stop calling me or I'll be forced to go to the police, its gone on long enough."

Here go the dramatics Grace.

"Ah, the drama is here is it." I can imagine Kaden pouting then smirking, it was a signature move of his.

"Kaden, please let me help you." I speak softly.

"NO! I DON'T NEED HELP, I.. Just.. Need something."He's probably shaking now.

Finally, I pull into my street, sighing, I whisper into the phone, "Kaden, please consider the option of help, theres plenty of helpful institutes around here. Please Kaden, for me. Goodbye Kaden."

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