{Chapter 4}

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At 4 o'clock sharp my doorbell rang. Quickly looking around my room, I sighed with relief, there was nothing out of place, I had vacuumed the floor and cleaned the bathroom.

I was prepared.

The doorbell rang again.

Oh right, the door.

Taking a deep breath, I walked down the stairs gracefully.

Okay, I ran downstairs, missing a step and tripping over.

You know that awkward moment where you fall over and get back up?

Yep, that happened to me.

Yay life.

Looking as normal as ever, I opened the door, revealing Stac-

"What are you doing here?" I ask rudely.

"I left my coat last night." Jaxel King told me.

"Oh right, why did you say that we're neighbours?"

"We are aren't we?" He shrugged.

"Well, get your coat and you can leave." I shrugged back.

I left him to find his coat, I went into the kitchen for a snack.

The doorbell rang, "Finally."

I opened the door to reveal, Stacey, Sophia and Pris.

"Hey girlies."

"Hey! This is so cool." Pris looked at my house astonished.

"Excuse me ladies," came a deep voice. Jaxel frigging King

Everyone shuffled inside, giving way to the 'king'.

"Bye! I'll miss you so much babe!" Jaxel told me.

I scowled at him I've had enough of him, "Listen here, three things, number one" I said putting up one finger and stepping forward. "I won't miss you so don't say you will. Number two" taking another step forward and adding another finger, "don't call me babe like one of your sluts and thirdly," putting one last finger up equalling to three, taking one last step towards him, "goodbye" I slam the door, in his face.

The three girls were in complete shock. To be honest, so was I.

Dusting my hands, "Now, whose up for a sleepover?"

My three friends cheered. While I led them upstairs, to my room.

"Nice" Pris commented looking around.

"Why thank you."

"Okay, lets get this party started!" Stacey exclaimed.


"IS IT TO LATE NOW TO SAY SORRY?" Myself, Pris, Sophia and Stacey sung loudly.

"Okay, thats it! Be more quite guys! A man has got to sleep." Steven barged in my room.

I walked to the CD player and turned the music off.

"But Stevey, I'm missing more than just your body!" I whined.

He groaned, "But Gracey, its like 12:30 AM please, get some sleep."

Looking at all my friends, "ALL NIGHTER" we all yelled.

Huffing, "Whatever, just no music."

"Thanks big bore"

He stopped and turned around, "What did you just call me?"

"Big bro, of course." I shrugged innocently.

"Nope, you didn't,"

"Uh. Yes I did."

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