{Chapter 2}

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Next door to my house, there was a slightly bigger house, this, I noticed was the house the two boys were throwing a football around last night. That was not the interesting bit, this was; driving down the road was the car, every girl wanted to be in, and every boy wanted to have.

Jaxel King's car.

They are all on the schools football team. Jaxel's the quarterback.

Recalling Stacey's words and the two boys actions, I began to rethink my suspicions.

"Oi Gracey" my brother called

"Coming" I sighed.

Investigation will have to wait.


For dinner that night we had my mothers special shepherds pie.


The whole time we talked about school, the classes and teachers, friends and the pupils.

"Oh, I forgot to mention, tomorrow night, I've invited the neighbours over for dinner, you know the neighbour from that side?" My mother spoke.

I shook my head, kicking the 'What Ifs' from my brain. "Okay"

Yeah, I'm very anxious and I overthink way to much.

"You two are excused if you wish." My father told us, stern as ever. But I love him, so I can't really judge.

"Goodnight Mum and Dad." My brother and I chorused.

While I lay in bed that night, I thought about Stacey, Pris and Sophia, they seemed really nice, maybe I should invite them over?

I made plans in my mind, and putting a self reminder to ask my mother tomorrow.

Finally, after ages of arguing with my brain, I finally slept a dreamless sleep.





My stupid, ugly, annoying piece of dog turd alarm went off.

Suddenly the BEEP's stopped.

My brothers beautiful voice, sung harmonious melodies in my room, gently waking me up from my deep sleep.

Please, note the sarcasm.

Actually, my brothers morning voice, got close to my ear and, "WAKE UP AND GET DRESSED YOU LAZY CHILD"

Beautiful really.

I did the only thing I could in my moment of absolute terror and anger.

I hit him with my pillow. Oh yeah, I was probably tired.

Nicely played.

Unfortunately, this turned into a full fledged pillow fight.

Game on.

It finally ended when my brother admitted defeat.

I'm still the reigning champion of pillow fights.

Grumbling under my breath, I dash to the bathroom, only to find I'd left my clothes in my room still.

Oh well, I thought to myself.

Mid-shower, I frowned realising my plans with my neighbours tonight.

Making a sound between a grunt and a sigh, I stepped out of the shower, beginning my morning routine.

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