Meeting Sir Asshole!

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“I can’t believe we’re here!” Adriana squealed excitedly as the bag boy took our bags up to our room.

“I can’t either.” I said smiling. Adriana jumped up and down excitedly next to me as we waited by the elevator. 

“I can’t wait! I’m taking the stairs!” Adriana said looking at me.

“Our room is on the 10th floor.” I said trying to talk some sense into her.

“I’ll run up to the 3rd floor and grab and elevator from there. I’ll be fine.” She said before running off. I shrugged before turning my attention back to the elevator.  I really truly can’t believe we’re in Miami, Florida. Leaving my small town of Westfield, California to come to Miami is like a dream come true and doing it with my best friend makes it even better. Although we only chose this place to spend our 17th birthday is because of Luke Collins. You see, I wanted to travel and Adriana wanted to see him perform live. Hence, how we ended up here.  I’m not complaining. I only have to spend a couple of hours listening to his stupid music and then I get to enjoy myself for the next 2 weeks. Seems like a pretty damn good compromise to me! Although, I really don’t like Luke Collin. He thinks he’s a gift to the world from God! And all the attention he’s getting from everyone is making his ego grow to the size of the Milky Way! Adriana’s like obsessed with the kid and is shocked that I haven’t fallen under his spell. I’m actually appalled that my best friend could be under the spell of someone so idiotic and cocky as him. What the hell is taking this elevator so long? Ugh! As soon as I thought that the elevator opened its wonderful doors inviting me in. I took one step forward before someone pushed past me, almost causing me to fall.

“Bastard.” I muttered before walking on the elevator.

“What did you just call me?” The male voice asked as I pressed the 10 button.

“I called you a…” I said before turning around to face the inconsiderate jerk. Oh, no, no, no! I cannot seriously be on an elevator with him. “Bastard!” I said before crossing me arms.

“Do you know who I am? You obviously don’t know who I am.” He said shocked at the words I was using towards him.

“Oh, believe me. I know exactly who you are. You are Luke Collins, international superstar. My best friend is obsessed with you! Personally I can’t listen to you’re music without getting a headache. Anyways, just because you’re famous doesn’t give you an excuse to be an ass!” I retorted.

“I’m not an ass.” He replied angrily. “And I’m starting to get a headache listening to you’re voice.” He continued aggravated.

“Nice comeback. It would’ve hurt if I gave a fuck! But sadly I don’t.” I said shrugging.

“I’m sure I can give you a good fuck!” He said smirking. Of course he would be the one to go from insulting a person to trying to sleep with him. I rolled my eyes.

“You disgust me! And I would never sleep with you.” I said pointing a finger at him, sending my room key flying. He grabbed it and looked at it before handing it back to me. I snatched it from him.

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that!” He replied cockily. “Everyone wants me.” He said before winking at me.

“Well I don’t!” I replied angrily.

“We’ll see about that.” He added right before the doors dinged open. “See you soon sexy.” He replied as I got out of the elevator.

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that!” I replied as the doors closed. I knew he was a conceited ass wipe! I stormed all the way to my room and slid the key in the slot. I took in a couple of deep breaths to calm myself down before entering the room.

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