Chapter 2: The Italy's Side

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It's been a day since the outbreak. Every representative did their best to survive.

"Min'na, Agare (move ahead).." Fideo whisper-shouted. They all followed him.

"F-Fideo, h-how will we survive?" Angelo asked making Fideo look down.

"I still don't know but we sure need to defend ourselves." He stated.

They are all went inside their quarters, I guess they're best option is to stay inside. They can't afford to lose another member, they've already lost three. This makes the whole team very worried! They are all out of drinks so Fideo decided to go out. Fideo is the only one out there searching for drinks because he is the only one that is courageous enough to go out.

Fortunately for Fideo, he has a long stainless bar for protection but that doesn't change the fact that he's scared. He can see different cranks walking on the sides, biting innocent people, and forcing themselves to go inside the houses. As said, these cranks can see and run. So Fideo need to be more stealthy, although he's wearing their jersey, those cranks still didn't noticed him.

After minutes of searching, Fideo finally found a mini-market. He is about to go inside until he felt two life forms standing behind him. It made him shiver, but he muster his courage and held the stainless bar tight. He turned around to face the two life forms only to see his teammates.

"A-angelo?! B-blasi?! W-what are you doing here?!" Fideo said.

"We can't just leave you here alone! We can't afford to lose a friend again." Blasi explained making Fideo nod.

"Well, if you say so. Let's go inside to gather what we need." Fideo said as he opened the door.

After he opened it, the sight was all black, there's no light. Angelo tried to find a flashlight on an aisle, and fortunately, he did.  They all have their flashlights but when they turned it on, the market has full of aisles, so they decided to separate.

Angelo's Side:

Angelo is searching to aisle no. 1 to aisle no. 5 some foods, drinks, and weapons they can use. He found nothing on aisle no. 1 so he moved to aisle no. 2. There, he saw some chips and biscuits. He decided to gather everything that is fit for the whole team, but the question is, how? He took a basket and placed all of them in there. He dragged the basket and went to aisle no. 3. He saw chocolates and candies.

"Hmm...I think these chocolates will boost their adrenaline." He said while placing some chocolates in the basket. And then, he went to aisle no. 4, where the meats are being stored on a refrigerator. As he entered the aisle, he saw a mad crank eating the meats! The crank saw him and he quickly turned off the light and changed his position! It was all dark and quiet, he can hear footsteps coming closer to his direction. He started to shiver and sweat madly.

"Please. Not today." Angelo begged in his mind. As he hear the footsteps coming closer, his sweat gotten even more intense but he just stayed quiet and motionless.

The footsteps are finally in front of him. He is shivering even harder because the footsteps stopped and he could heart it smelling the air.

"I think he smelled me!! What to do?!" Angelo is panicking in his mind until an idea popped in his head. He slowly but quietly walked pass the crank while dragging his basket. Fortunately, the crank didn't noticed him and he went immediately to the next aisle.

"Phew! That was close. I mean really close." He said to himself. Angelo was tired of looking so he returned to the entrance of the market. He can see two flashlights shining in different aisles.

Blasi's Side:

He is shivering in fear, although he's the strongest and the biggest member of the team. He is given the task of searching in aisle no. 6 to aisle no. 7. In searching those two aisles, he found some batteries and useful sharp weapons to defend theirselves. He collected what he can carry but one metal weapon is dropped on the floor making a loud echo in the whole market. Fideo and Angelo heard it and started to get worried.

On the other hand, Blasi quickly turned off his light and took one weapon from his hands. He can hear footsteps, one from the left side and one from the right side. He started to shiver but still remained silent. As the two cranks walked, Blasi decided to take them out! He first took the left and stabbed it on the head, then he went to the other and stabbed it on the heart. It doesn't make a noise, only the noise of those two falling on the ground. Fideo and Angelo is relieved by that sound knowing that Blasi took them out. Blasi decided to return to the entrance of the market with Angelo. They saw a flashlight shining on the aisles and they know, surely, that is Fideo.

Fideo's Side:

"I hope those guys are fine." Fideo thought.

Yes, he is responsible for searching aisle no. 8 to aisle no. 10. As he searched, he found some drinks and some bandages. He collected them all but it's too big and heavy. He accidentally dropped the flashlight and the mode changed into 'S.O.S Mode' (I hope you know what I'm saying). The blinking light attracted the attention of all the cranks inside the market. He knows that anytime soon, they will be walking on that aisle.

So Fideo quickly sprinted to the market's entrance.

"Come on, guys!! Let's get out of here!!" He warned the two and the followed him.

They quickly got out of the market and ran as fast as they can but the cranks from the market managed to get out and chase them.

"Darn it! They're chasing us!!" Blasi said in fear. "Don't look back!! Just run!!" Fideo said and so they did.

They continued running until their adrenaline is drained out. They stopped for a while but those cranks are still chasing them. Fideo grabbed his metal bar and came in front of those cranks waiting for them to get near.

Normal Side:

The cranks are near to him and Fideo is about to attack when somebody stole the action and killed all of them just in one slash of the blade. The three had their eyes widen to that mysterious man that is wearing a hood. It turned around to face Fideo and removed his hood that is covering his face.

"Fideo, are you alright?" The man asked making Fideo shocked.

"N-Nakata-kun?!" The three said.

"Long time no see!" He said back, "But this is no time for reunions. We need to go now! I don't want to encounter those anymore." He added making the three nod.

They continued to run until they reached their quarters. They slammed the door open and closed it and barricade it with all object that they can see. The team's faces are all shocked and lays eyes on Nakata.

"N-Nakata?!" They all exclaimed.

"Long time no see, min'na!" He said as he took a sip of water from the bottle that Fideo took from the market.

"So, Nakata. Mind telling us what happened to you?" Fideo asked while sitting on the chair and Nakata sat down too.

"Well, I was going back here and will rejoin the team until I noticed something wrong in this island. I quickly ran to Italy's area because I'm really worried about you guys. While I was running, I spotted Fideo, Angelo, and Blasi facing some cranks. I saw that they're all tired so I took the action and killed all of them. And we came running here." Nakata explained.

"Ohhh...!" They all said.

"Thank you for saving us, Nakata-kun!" Fideo said making Nakata nod.

"Well! We should rest for now, min'na! I'm sure you're all tired!" Fideo suggested and they all went to their rooms.

Fideo's PoV

It's good that Nakata is back but why do I feel so uneasy? Maybe I'm still not used to this happenings! I sure hope the other representatives are fine.

"Mamoru, I hope you're fine..." I thought as I lay on my bed.

The Lost Worldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें